''eh.. i'll follow them in a little bit, there's probably a grotto
a few miles or so that way.... but don't want them to actually
think someone's following them, need to let them get ahead anyway''
she said.
''besides... it looks like nathan and bailey both are sound asleep
now..... nathan's going to probably be down for a few days and not
able to defend himself, that mutant hellhound did quite a number on
the poor guy.. managed to get one more swipe in before i came in to
finish the job...... anyway, night or morning, which ever time of
day or night it is'' she said.
''the bite wounds on his neck didn't look too deep... but it
luckily missed his windpipe so he's lucky to still be alive.. if he
changes to his human form with those injuries, i don't think his
human form could take such pain....'' she sighed.
'i'm gonna go head off after those two... make sure they're
alright, i'll be back soon'' elizabeth said, ruffling cheyenne's
hair as she went off and gone down the pathway ryan and jackson
jackson hopped off of ryan's back and put his satchel up on a low
hanging branch, humming quietly to himself.
~~~~~ those two couldn't have gotten that far... beside's i'd like to
make sure no one else get's hurt.... she thought, sighing