he stuck his tongue out at ryan and grinned.
''i'm pickin' on ya'' jackson said.
''look's like the both of them left'' nathan said, looking around
as well.
elizabeth had woken up and was reading the note after she was in
human form and had picked it up.
''they went to explore'' she said, going over to the two by the
jackson pouted slightly and looked away.
''not surprising they went off on they're own, you were asleep and
cheyenne's still asleep, and we were just talking and teasing each
other for the most part'' nathan said.
elizabeth chuckled and shook her head.
''and they're both alone.... who know's what those two are doing''
she said.
jackson looked down at ryan and blinked, then closed his eye's and
looked down.
''sorry....'' he muttered, crossing his arm's now since ryan had
shifted to his true form.
nathan chuckled quietly and grinned.
''hopefully nothing too bad anyway'' he said.
elizabeth put the note away in her pocket and sighed.
''poor jackson was so timid when we met him, he actually hid behind
a willow tree he was healing'' she said.
he looked at him and smiled a little, stroking his mane a bit.
''they should be fine though'' nathan said.
elizabeth nodded and looked at the lake.
''so we leave and try to track them down once cheyenne is awake,
try to regroup with the both of them'' she said.
they both looked at her and, thought elizabeth raised an
''you got a bit of a dirty mind on ya'' she said.
''we should probably rest once we get to another grotto'' jackson
''she said it not me'' nathan said defensively, putting his hand's
elizabeth looked at nathan and crossed her arms.
''but you were thinking the same thing mister'' she said.
he blushed faintly and stopped walking as he looked at him.
''u-um.... sure'' jackson said, stepping over him a bit before he
sat down on his back, his face growing a bit more red.
nathan sighed and knelt down next to her, sitting down before
pulling her into his lap.
''hey, it's alright bailey...'' he mumbled.
elizabeth covered her face with one hand and grumbled silently
under her breathe.
''i'm sorry.... maybe i'm the one with the dirty mind for assuming
what you were thinking.......'' she muttered.
jackson wrapped his arm's around his neck and blushed a bit more,
trying to keep from falling off.
''you know, how about.. i just go off on my own...... that way i'm
not much of a burden...'' she muttered, looking away before she
went back over to where she had been asleep to pick up the
nathan remained quiet and watched elizabeth go to grab the
''n-no your fine, i'm n-n-not used to riding on someone's back'' he
said, now a bit embarrassed.
''well i just upset you for assuming something, then i pick on ryan
but he usually has it coming sometime's but he get's rather mad
about it.....'' elizabeth sighed.
jackson looked around the grotto and blinked.
''wow... each grotto continue's to amaze me..'' he mumbled.