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Monthly Disaster

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Monthly Disaster
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 1,652
Posted: Mon, 02/01/2017 02:24 (8 Years ago)
Monthy Disaster

Where Months are personified as people.

(Similar to Hetalia except they're months)

Monthly Disaster Art Gallery

Send me a PP or PM if you see any grammar mistakes!

January angrily slammed the door opened and glared at December, who was laying down in her bed and eating a candy cane. December looked up, not surprised to see her brother at her door.

"January, can you not slam my door open?" January didn't comply to her orders and continued glaring at her. She sighed.

"Why are you here? If you want to go bother someone, bother November."

"I DON'T WANT TO BOTHER ANYONE! I JUST WANT TO ASK, WHY DID YOU SPEND SO MUCH MONEY?!" January angrily said, pulling out a roll of paper with a headline that read 'DECEMBER'S SPENDINGS'. He fell to December's carpet and wept.

"Because of you and February, I'm going to be broke again!" December sighed, twirling her side brown-coloured side ponytail. She jumped over her brother and walked out her door.

"W-WAIT! DECEMBER COME BACK HERE-" The door was slammed in his face. He fell back down to the ground and started to throw a tantrum.

The door was slightly opened and a green-haired teenager peaked into the room.

"Are you okay, January?" January looked up from the ground to see March, who was looking worriedly at him. He sniffed and nodded.

March walked up to him and helped him up. "Was December spending all of your money again?" January made a sound of confirmation. March smiled at helped him stand up before he put his hands on his hips.

"I'll give you some of my budget then!" January gazed at March with tears, before he hugged his brother. March just laughed and patted his head. At that moment May walked in.

"Oh, hello January, March." he said politely. March smiled and ruffled May's hair.

"Have you been tending to the garden May?" May nodded. He saw January on the floor crying childishly over a cheque March gave him.

"Is January crying because December and February took all of his money again?" March just nodded and sighed.

November, a black-haired teenager was walking down the hallways when he suddenly got tackled by a yellow blur. He looked through his scarf to see April, who was giggling on his chest.

"Good morning to you too, April." November drawled, his mouth covered by his scarf. April stopped giggling before smiling brightly, his ocean-like blue eyes looking at November.

"Good morning! June, July and August wanted me to get you!" November stared before nodding, not knowing what his sunnier siblings wanted with him. Before he could ask, April looked up before shouting, "Ah! Sept! I was just going to look for you!"

September stopped where he was walking to look at April.

"Why are ya' sittin' on Nov?" April grinned before standing up and walking to September and pointing at his face.

"June, July and August are looking the cold climate group!" September blinked before he started to laugh.

"How many times do I have to remind ya' that I'm a half timer in that group? Did August want me ta' teach her about hail again?" April giggled before shaking his head. September looked confused, his glasses almost falling off his face.

"August wants to show the cold climate group something! June and July just tagged along." November shivered. If June and July tagged along with August, that means that they were planning something that could never be forgotten in their long, long lives.

"If that's the case, have you 'captured' October yet?" November said, putting air quotes around 'captured'. April nodded before a scream echoed throughout their home. They looked over their shoulders to see October frantically screaming with a evil-grinning August behind him. When October saw his brothers he hid behind September and whimpered.

"Good morning, August." November greeted. August grinned and waved back, signalling that she wished him good morning as well. "I heard that you wanted to see the cold climate group?"

October went pale when he heard that August wanted to see the cold climate group. September turned around to look at his brother, not knowing why he went pale.

"Nov, Sept, don't fall to her and the twins' tricks!" everybody turned to look at October who finally walked from behind September. He was wearing a swimsuit, and everybody could see his body shiver, not used to being exposed, since he was always covered with a long black cape and an zipper-less orange sweater with a black pumpkin in the middle with tan corduroy jeans.

"Now now October, don't make assumptions~!" October shivered and looked up at August and gasped when she was holding his black cat, Pumpkin. He growled, his hair flinging up like a hissing cat.

September sighed before walking up to August and swiping the black cat away from her, and hissed when the cat dug their claws into his arm. October gasped and ran up to September and took Pumpkin into his arms and started petting her.

"Now that I think about it, Where's May?" April asked, his blond hair bouncing as he walked towards August.

"May is probably with March in the garden." a voice drawled.

"Or probably patting January's back because February and December took all of his money again." another voice said, similar to the previous.

April looked up and happily waved at the two strawberry blond twins.

"'Ello June, July." September greeted. November also waved.

They hopped down from where-ever they were and stood in front of the others before smirking at October, who was still petting Pumpkin. They turned back to August who was also smirking.

"It's almost time, July." June said, slinging his arm over July.

"Indeed, June." July replied, also slinging his arm over June.

November sighed.

"It's really creepy when you guys do that.." he said as September agreed.

"We just need January, February, March and May before we continue with our plan." the twins and August said at the same time. When they said that, February was just walking by, reading a romantic novel when their eyes gleamed and they practically dived for him.

"MON DIEU!" February screamed as three bodies piled on top of him, almost dropping his novel.

January emerged from December's room, tears still in his eyes, wondering what all the noise was about. March and May also walked out, curious. December came in with an ice cream bucket and looked around.

"I'm betting that this is all of August's doing." she said.