As Benny was walking down the main street of Cindersoot City he
spotted a man and a woman. They looked like the people attacking
the Salamance earlier that morning. The woman's paint brush
earrings jingled madly as she spoke to the man. Their palette
symbol gleamed in the bright sun. As Benny crept closer he caught
parts of their conversation.
"We need....Tragé...Cóme...Marge is counting on us!"
They finally noticed Benny. They glared and walked away, whispering
and peering over their shoulders.
After wining the match Kioiki jumped and punched in the air "Oh
yeah !!!!" She exclaimed and as she landed she pats both of her
Pokemon's "Good job Sin and Pidgey !" She praised them and looked
at the gym leader again and returned to her usual self. "It was
great match." She said to her.
"Oh, we were just talking about two people that we had seen earlier
today." Benny told Kioiki.
"That's Team Palette." Benny jumped as Embercil said this behind
him. "Team Palette?" Benny asked curious.
"Team Palette is an organization of snobs who want to use the
legendaries Cóme and Tragé for their own purposes." She told the
group of kids.
"They are the guardians over the Niora region. They bring
happiness, laughter, sadness, crying, wherever they go. Team
Palette wants to use their powers for themselves." Embercil
explained to Kioiki.
"It is..." Embercil was cut off by a Team Palette grunt who was
watching them in the shadows.
"Are you calling me evil!" He cried, walking out into the open.
"Battling and painting are fun, so let's paint a battle!" He said,
challenging Kioiki to a battle.
"I'm sorry but I have no intention to battle with someone like you,
in fact I hat the likes of yours so much that I may throw up on
your dirty face !!!" She answered him back.