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Forum Thread

"Gifting" Pokemon

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected "Gifting" Pokemon
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Fri, 09/12/2016 06:38 (8 Years ago)
I think there should be like a place for players to give each other Pokemon for free. Look, I know this sounds insane and like a complete waste of time but hear me out. Look at this scenario:

After a player decide to buy another Pokemon from another player and they have finished paying each other, they realise that there is no platform to just give the other player the Pokemon. Now,I know there's GTS but that requires you to trade for another Pokemon doesn't it? Thus the player which paid the money thinks he or she is scammed and immediately reports the other player, but in fact, the other player is innocent because he or she already has the Pokemon and is ready to give it but has no way of doing it without losing another Pokemon( if using GTS ) in the process.

Thats why I think there should be a way of "gifting" pokemon to each other. Unless there IS a way of doing so but I haven't figured out how or my Trainerlevel is just not high enough.
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