Forum Thread
Buying Stuff for PD or Nuggets! (OR OTHER THINGS)
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Global Trade Station → Item Trades → Buying Stuff for PD or Nuggets! (OR OTHER THINGS)
Hiorah OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 24
Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sat, 07/10/2017 20:30 (7 Years ago)
Ah nice~ ! Again sorry for the late response, I got a bit busy!
But I'd love to buy all 10 from ya~ ! I have a reasonable amount of
PD I can use up so what would you prefer honestly-- either for all
of them or average for one so I can add it together? I'm more used
to buying with Nuggets so PD prices are still a bit new to me.
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !
Furret ONLINE Trainerlevel: 120
Posted: Sat, 07/10/2017 20:36 (7 Years ago)
Oh, I have 7 Dragon Gems I can sell to you! I'm mainly interested
in Nuggets.
Hiorah OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 24
Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 08/10/2017 02:09 (7 Years ago)
Nice, thank you!
Would you be all right with a price of 30 Nuggets per Gem? Coming
to 210 Nuggets all together~ ?
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !
Forum Posts: 460
Posted: Sun, 08/10/2017 11:06 (7 Years ago)
Hey i can take 310 nuggets
Furret ONLINE Trainerlevel: 120
Posted: Sun, 08/10/2017 22:28 (7 Years ago)
Oh snap I almost forgot about this. Yeah that works perfectly! :3
Hiorah OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 24
Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 08/10/2017 23:03 (7 Years ago)
Hehe glad to know! Do you want to set up a Private Trade for this
or would you rather I do it?
Ah so you want Nuggets then? I think I'll have enough once my other
transaction is done!
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !
Furret ONLINE Trainerlevel: 120
Posted: Sun, 08/10/2017 23:08 (7 Years ago)
You can go ahead and set it. :>
Hiorah OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 24
Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 08/10/2017 23:26 (7 Years ago)
All right, just got it set up! Thank you!
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !
Furret ONLINE Trainerlevel: 120
Posted: Sun, 08/10/2017 23:29 (7 Years ago)
Offered. ^u^ If I get anymore will you be interested in doing
another trade like this? I'm actively looking for Nuggets at the
moment, so!
Forum Posts: 460
Posted: Mon, 09/10/2017 14:05 (7 Years ago)
no problem just tell me when its done
Hiorah OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 24
Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Mon, 09/10/2017 18:27 (7 Years ago)
All right I have JUST enough~ ! Do you want to set up the trade or
would you rather I do it? X3
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !
Forum Posts: 44
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 15:43 (7 Years ago)
Hello! I have 10 Dragon Gems for sale. I'm mainly looking for
Nuggets or PD.
My babies
My Favorites
made by Pilufa
Forum Posts: 138
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 18:42 (7 Years ago)
Are u buying shinies
I have a lot of grass gems if u want
akitsu OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 39
Forum Posts: 455
Posted: Fri, 24/11/2017 13:52 (7 Years ago)
i have 6 wacan berries and 5 dragon gems~!
Hiorah OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 24
Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 26/11/2017 16:11 (7 Years ago)
Oooh that is great to hear! I'd love to buy all 6 of your Wacan
Berries if you're willin to sell them all-- and those Dragon Gems
Is there a separate payment method you prefer for the Berries and
Gems, or would you be all right if I paid for them all
I am not buying Shinies no, but thank you for asking! And right now
I don't need any Grass Gems, but thank you!
Hello there I'd love to buy all of the Dragon Gems you Offered if
you're willing~ !
Thanksgiving = Extremely busy me. X'3
If you no longer have what you were offering before, it is all
right! Again I appologize for the late responses!
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !
akitsu OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 39
Forum Posts: 455
Posted: Mon, 27/11/2017 11:30 (7 Years ago)
im alright if you pay for them all together ^^
im interested in nuggets as payment
Hiorah OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 24
Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Mon, 27/11/2017 15:40 (7 Years ago)
All right, thank you!
Would 200 Nuggets for all of them be all right with you, or would
you like it a little higher?
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !
akitsu OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 39
Forum Posts: 455
Posted: Mon, 27/11/2017 16:02 (7 Years ago)
200 nuggets is okay with me ^^ i'll go send you the items now?
Hiorah OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 24
Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Mon, 27/11/2017 18:56 (7 Years ago)
Awesome thank you! And absolutely yes, that works!
I'll send you the Nuggets right away, thank you so much!
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !
Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Sat, 19/02/2022 11:44 (3 Years ago)
Are you still buying? I have an extra dark blue box that can be
Sea Basin Pokemon! :>