"Thanks." Tiffany muttered, leaving the trance. "Can you help me
with this battle? I think two on two would be nice right now." she
smiled as she took out her dagger. "Also, don't even think about
it." she stared at Zura. "I think the eels would like a nice
conversation with you right now."
Sam- Sam was still in her mind not speaking but watching as she
see's her worst nightmares and he put the animals in a trance. He
then took out his scythe and let tiffany out of a trance then he
slashed the snakes to pieces then whacked the birds out of the
King- King then grinned just then a skeleton grabbed the knife and
he ran up and stabbed the spear through jack "Goodbye". Then the
knife fell to the ground.
"You haven't thought this out I can float above the water like I am
right now and I don't think you tall or strong enough to jump 15
feet into the air." Zura replied.
Jack grunted in his sleep, blood leaking from his lips. His knife
played dead for a few more seconds, then pierced his shirt,
carrying him back to Trick island. Jack decided it was about time
he thanked his weapon, but he decided to save that for when he woke
up. For now, he would heal.
As the guy attacked the animals I backed up Towards the shocked
girl "Are You Ok?" Looked briefly at the third person behind
her,Then turning her attention back to The guy He didn't flinch or
any movement so I put my swords back up Challenging him if he
wasn't going to do anything. "Then what can she do I don't care
just get her out here ok?" Speaking to the third person.
"Well, can you do that after this?" Tiffany asked stabbing Zura in
the leg with her dagger. Ice started to spread on his leg as she
took it out. "Also, those hawks are stronger than you think." she
pointed at Sam as the hawks started to get up.
Sam- "Everyone leave except the levitating one". All around him
started turning black. He then started walking back with his
King- King saw jacks knife carry him to shore he then chucked a
dagger at jack and it landed next to him. He then gave all the
skeletons more daggers and fell asleep.
Pyro- Pyro saw jack on the beach injured he then shot an arrow onto
trick island right where jack was. The explosion echoed in his ear.
Zura went down to ground level and did the most cheapest thing a
person could do. He made a long gash on the girls arm and left to
his island to make bandages out of veins of course it was crude but
it would work.
Zura returned to his island he winced in pain but the ice was gone.
He bandaged it up he should stay away from combat right now.
"A elemental weapon. This girl is dangerous let's just hope she
dies of bleed out." He said.
Asuna stood in awe at what happened so fast But I saw enough to put
my swords away and Use my Flames And I hovered over what happened
So I could get away but I dropped down I don't know why. Looking
around not wanting to admit it but..I don't know what to do!!
I heard the guy Yell "LEAVE!"I turned at him pulled out my swords
and gave him a grin I knew too well "What are you gonna do?" I said
preparing my self mentally for the attempt he was about to make at
putting me in a trance.
Sam- Sam disappeared into the trees he then jumped out and striked
the girl with the Scythe he missed her head but he hit her in her
shoulder. He then walked away with his Scythe on his back.
Sam- Sam walked off after hitting Asuna with his Scythe. He then
went to his little hut where he bandaged his cuts with the med kit
he got from the center.
"What's wrong with this girl she attacked the tree of us. Now she's
chuming up to each of us. I'm surprised she hasn't died of bleed
can she not feel pain?" Zura asked.
(Hint hint we can't have gods.)