Forum Thread
Beyond the Point of No Return (A Sequel/Reboot, Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Beyond the Point of No Return (A Sequel/Reboot, Accepting)"I can relate." A voice came from the roof. And Miles gently fell behind Dea.
"Soo, what's going on here?" Miles asked.
Cole was just sitting on the corner.
Title: RP Post 022
"Did it really come to this?" He asks his once young child Dea. Along with the other rebels here, he carefully walks to them. "You can hold your assault everyone. I need a serious talk." through his persuasion, the attackers briefly stopped. "I'm sorry it had to come to this my once young friends. Dea, I honestly do not know what caused this divide between you all. I'm certain Miles is angry at me too. Jin, I am surprised that you are somehow alive. But if there is one thing I learned so far, I really do not know whom I should trust anymore. I'm not with your rebellion and I'm also not with Duo's goals whatever they may be." Equipping all of his weapons, he drops all of his 20 pcs. of apples and only picks up 2 apples for himself.
"I don't know if Duo hears me from here. But I am extremely sick from all of this broken trusts and feuds! You hear me everyone?! I'm SICK OF THIS!" he stabs the hatchet he just bought on the ground. "I must admit. Perhaps I should had been the leader of my own little village in which you all turned to a town. I'm greatly sorry, but I am on my own once again. All of you, EVERY. LAST. ONE. OF. YOU! Have to earn my trust again. It is only a matter of time before I kill myself because I lost my will to live ever since Liz's death! I am forsaken!" He hugs Dea with his tears from his eyes filled with anguish. After shedding out his tears, he picks up his hatchet and points it to everyone.
"I am so sorry. I just want all of us old friends to retire happy. But that is not happening anymore. If any of you are tired of fighting feuds, just find me somewhere in this world. Drop your fights once you visit me, and be truly humble about it. Be honest about it. However, I best suggest you do not make choose a side. Or I'll end up disciplining all of you. Through blood. Farewell." without looking back, he leaves the prison.
Giving his last farewell, he makes his walk out of the dungeon. He does not care as to how these other pokemon deal with them. The horrors of this feud already murdered his hopes to its spark. After the long climb back up from the pipe, he just walks out of the city with a hatchet in hand and a face of broken remorse. "Duo. Infinity. Dea. Miles. Jin. The clash of the five rulers."
(Since Fang has a sword, can he have any of the sword type moves, I'll pick 2.)

(And everyone's in jail dungeon now.)
By the time Remmie had finished his speech and Dea was crying, Duo wasn't caring about anything that had happened back there. He was too focused on his own survival to do that. He looked into the ocean, sighed, then dove in after a moment of silence. It hurt, but pain is a sign of growing stronger, according to Duo. By the time he was out, he was in some odd cave only accessible by going underwater to the bottom of the ocean. His frantic search for the treasure hidden inside begun.
The attack stopped because all of the Pokemon they had fought were all of the Pokemon strong enough to fight. They could proceed to the top floor now.
"Okay, so Duo's plan didn't work. But, I intruiged him to do something better with my hologram invention! All i need is to buy you some time, and I have two ways to do that..." The button that let out an obvious hologram legendary Pokemon was in the middle of the room. The only other thing in the room was Quilava, screaming, tied to the ceiling by a spider's thread.