Eva's mom found her and brought her inside. Eva woke up on the
couch and sprang up. Her mother shook her head at the dinner table
where she was on her laptop. Eva told her the whole story and she
shook her head. Her mom sent her to go get the basket of things
from the farmer's market she had left behind.
Eva had dropped the basket by her apartment and was now on the
sodewalk looking at her Kidan. It was smaller now, about half the
size of her legs. It was going around in circles and she cocked her
head. "I wonder if that bite of yours will kill that girl..." Eva
thought quietly to herself. It normally didn't but it weakened a
person comsiderably.
Name: Aurora Dawnscar
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Not my art
Personality: To be rped
Kudan Appearance: here
Kudan Power(s): She can create a purple poisonous mist , if you
breath too much you will start hallucinating and she will hide in
that mist . She can mimic voices of others to trick you
Kudan Level: Second
Other: I would like to reveal everything during roleplay , please
"I don't know, what place heals poison? Maybe the doctor's but that
place gives me the heebie-jeebies. Too many needles. Not to mention
this is magic poison... Magic... Hey, that's it! Maybe someone has
a healing Kudan!"
Eva was sitting on a bench in the park. It was quite cold, yet she
didn't know why. She was letting her Kudan domits usual thing,
because it was making it stronger. She didn't really care at this
Aurora was watching her Kudan tryingvto catch a rabbit , there is
usually everythibg peacefull here until Aurora comes , then whole
park turns to giant playground . Suddely her Kudan knocked over the
trashcan and then continued with rabbit catching .
Cortney's Kudan squeaked, noticing Aurora's Kudan chasing a rabbit.
This led to Courtney noticing. "Shouldn't we... help..." she said,
starting to feel dizzy.