Thanks but yeah I do get a little reckless with the deflect
ability. Your really good at fighting. Shadow then saw two boys
unconscious in an ally. "What happened over there"?
Eva was looking out of her window on the second floor of the
apartment complex. Her Kudan was hissing at everyone and every
other Kudan. It was quite fun to see everyone scared. She walked
down and unsummoned it with a smirk. Her mom had told her to pick
up some things from the farmers market, so that was where she would
spend her day it seemed.
Aki was knocked to the ground by a second level Kudan. "Seriously,
there's nothing to win from knocking me out. I have nothing!" Too
late, a third level Kudan bashed her head against the ground. She
didn't have a concussion, but she was out cold. The other people
Chass eventually wandered into the farmers' market. Figure I'll
get something. I'm hungry. she thought.
Eva's Kudan was back once again, and it kept everyone else away
from her. She had a basket on her arm and her mom's list in her
other hand. She had already gotten everything, and a snack for
herself. She tossed the list away and watched her Kudan terrorize
the kids. She snickered and decided to get a couple cookies for her
mom. She was the only person she cared about.
Chass saw a group of scared children. The cause of the fright? A
Kudan. Oh man, I wish I had a stronger Kudan... Well, might as
well try to help. A bolt of lightning from her Kudan pierced
the sky, but nothing burned or got electrocuted.
Eva looked up and shrugged. She put the cookies in her basket and
waved over her Kudan. It hissed at the children and followed her to
the next stall. She sat down on a bench eat her brownies and look
at her phone while her Kudan did its usual thing.
(oops i made a typo in my last post i said Aki instead of Chass
gonna fix it XD)
Well, that failed. Chass thought.
Courtney, bored, decided to go seek a fight. She saw lightning and
figured that was where to go. She borrowed her Kudan's power and
flew over, holding her Kudan.
Shadow saw a girl getting picked on by other Kudan he walked over
there and in an instant all those second level Kudan were on the
ground and so we're their owners . If I see you picking on her
again you will not like what happens next. Shadow offered her a
Eva's Kudan grew a tiny bit bigger in size. It was so small you
wouldn't have noticed anything changed unless you looked at the
eyes. They were a bit more red than before. All the little kids ran
off and screamed which made Eva laugh. Her Kudan liked it to and
started terrorizing the shopkeepers.
Eva got up and glared daggers. "Its my Kudan. Besides, its quite
fun ti watch them all scream." Eva said with a smirk. Her Kudan
came over and hissed at Courtney and Shadow.
Eva cocked her head. "I never said that... but it should be fun. I
don't have anything else to do." Eva said. She put her basket on
the bench and her Kudan grew in size until it was her size.