Shadow lets her go. "Is this like a usual thing because I don't
think the shocks are a good sign"? "I was just afraid that she
would run away and not come back".
"Yeah , Twilight is very sensitive , something bad propably
happened and she felt it and she just... losed control , its normal
.We forgot to take medicine today" She said and her Kudan nodded ,
she looked at Shadows kudan and she smiled and nodded , it seems
like she wants to say thank you
Eva's Kudan slithered over to the small puddle of blood and hissed,
growing bigger. Eva shook her head and just watched all the
commotion. Her Kudan retrieved a small vial of the blood. Kudan
blood was actually quite rare.
"Listen here. That Kudan is dead, whether you say it is or not. And
death IS okay, under the right circumstances. Good riddance, if I
do say so myself."
"It would be fine to kill me. I just believe that would be
impossible, due to J's loyalty to me." Jack stepped closer to
Chass. "Try it. see how mutilated you are afterwards."
Eva shook her head. A small crowd had gathered around watching the
argument. Eva wanted to see where this was going too. She hoped it
would be destructive.