Magma sighs "Fine. We wont..." studdenly she seems frozen in regret
"N-n-no. This has to be done... you are always in so much pain and
I hate it... I dont care if it makes you you! i need you to be
happy and pain free!" Magma bursts into tears "I am sorry Matthew
but I cant take you being in so much pain for any longer! I need to
help you to show you I love you as much as you love me!" Magma
covers her face with her hands. Dawn blinks and looks at Magma
"Just calm down. I think you crying over his pain shows how much
you love him. I do the same at my brother at times when he is in
pain from his beast mode trying to take over." Dawn smiles a little
and looks at Matthew "I will leave you alone. Also before I go, by
my pure white magic i undo our promises and anything else i have to
say to make this official." Dawn leaves. Magma keeps crying and
rushes over to Matthew and hugs him.
''magma i don't care about my pain.... i'd rather die protecting
you then loose you..'' he mumbled, turning around and hugging her
in return.
matthew kept her close and started sobbing quietly, not wanting to
break away from the embrace.
Magma keeps crying and looks him in the eyes "I am sorry... I just
hate it when you are in pain... I tried going to the club across
the street with Dawn to calm my nerves but... it did not help..."
Magma starts to shake a little "I am so sorry I am being a bit
selfish... It just makes me feel so bad when you are in pain and I
cant help you out... I have been hiding this feeling for a long
time now... I am sorry..." Magma crys harder now.
A weird loud scream suddenly can be heard coming from the woods for
a moment before it ends.
''your not being selfish magma, i promise you that.... i.. i'm the
one being selfish...... for not asking for help about it... i'm
basically just punishing myself with letting the pain linger, but
when your around i just forget the pain....... magma i love you
dearly, and i don't ever want to loose you...'' matthew
scarlet went flying into the building and ran to her room, garnet
in her arms as well as her book.
Magma slowly stops crying "Dont blame yourself... You are the
perfect little demon you always have been... you dont even act like
you went threw that much pain inless someone forces it out of
you..." Magma kisses Matthew "Also what was the scream? it
sounded... it sounded..." Magma suddenly freezes a bit as she
thinks of that scream.
Dusk goes into the building holding a monster Chingling in his
arms. It seems to be split in two from the mouth. it looks like it
is made of pure steel instead of hard flesh. he sighs and seems
calm "I need to find Matthew. I need to explain to him what I was
after in the woods." Dusk looks at the dead monster ~Poor thing...
it is not it's fault it ended up a monster. Some just cant stand
the pain of being a dark twin and turn...~.
matthew gritted his teeth slightly and sighed.
''stay here....'' he mumbled, then headed to the front door to see
what was going on.
scarlet hid in her room hugging her leg's and hiding her face while
leaving garnet, club, and the lycanroc outside of her room.
garnet sat outside the bedroom door and stayed there, looking at
the ground.
Dusk looks at Matthew "Let me guess, you heard the scream? I am
sorry. This monster chingling managed to get one attack out before
I could kill it." Dusk hands the dead Chingling to Matthew "This is
what I was hunting in the woods. I wanted to kill it before it
could do it's fearsome scream. I was a bit to late. Monster
Chingling's screams are said to put shear terror in those who hear
it. only the bravest of people are said to not to... though you can
still lose your hearing from it. I lost my hearing for 2 minutes
after it screamed though that is only because i cant hear much of
it. I still can hear things differentally then most humans." Dusk
sighs and looks Matthew in the eyes "Again I am sorry for my
sister's foolish mouth and my foolishness when we first met. I hope
you can forgive me. I am fully to blame.".
Skipper wakes up and goes to Scarlet's room and knocks on the door
"Is everything ok?".
mathhew sighed and simply handed it back.
''your fine..... truthfully i just want to be alone with my wife
right now..'' matthew grumbled.
the lycanroc perked up and looked over it's shoulder, then went
over and stood a bit just to bite the doorknob light enough, yet
just strong enough to turn the front doorknob and let skipper
''lycan lycanroc, lycan ''she locked herself in the bedroom
skipper, i don't get why but she's real freaked out'''' he
there was a faint tap at scarlet's window in her bedroom and she
looked up, looking over at the window sniffling as she noticed a
cloaked person outside the window.
she was hesitant at first before she got up and walked over,
opening the window enough for the person to climb in.
''w-who are you....? and how on earth were you able to get up this
high..?'' she asked.
he looked at her and gave a soft chuckle.
''i came from up on the roof, i'm really good at climbing'' he said
in a bit of a soft spoken tone of voice that was silky and calm.
matthew closed the door and sighed, then went to go check on
''magma...? everything is alright, your safe sweetheart'' he
scarlet went over to the door and unlocked it.
the cloaked figure silently hid under the bed and melted into the
darkness, hiding fairly well without a trace.
Magma crawls out from under the bed holding a strong book that
seems to give off a dark aura. She seems to have calmed down "I
found this strange book under the bed... it is a intresting story
about a kingdom floating in the sky and a hunter who finds it. I
need to read more to figure out why this book is called The Fallen
Path." Magma sits on the bed and keeps reading.
Skipper opens the door and looks at Scarlet "are you ok? What
happened to freak you out?" Skipper blinks and seems confused.
matthew looks horrified and walked over, grabbing the book and
closing it before putting a locking spell on it that keep's it from
being opened, and only he could break the spell.
''this thing's surrounded by an evil aura magma, no more reading
it'' he said.
scarlet blushed a bit out of embarrassment and looked down.
''s-something screeched in the woods... i was reading a book at the
treeline when i heard it echo through the forest.....'' she
muttered, hugging herself as she trembled a little out of fear.
Magma looks a bit disapointed "I did not sense anything wrong with
it. Well other then a few strange words... it said it was a Story
of a path few wish to go down. I bet the book has a really good
ending and Now I will be left to never know what happens to that
character Hunter and the Queen of the kingdom June! It looked like
the Queen was a Angle while Hunter was a older human." Magma huffs
and walks away from Matthew clearly upset now. The dark aura seems
to go from the book to her now.
Skipper hugs Scarlet "It is fine. Need me to make you something
nice to eat? Anything you want. Just name it." Skipper's voice
sounds strangely calming right now.
he sighed and got rid of the spell, tossing the book onto the
''fine.... there, i'm going to continue cooking...'' matthew
muttered, heading back to the kitchen.
scarlet blushed furiously and thought for a minute as she
hesitantly put her hand's on his chest.
''u-um... p-pasta maybe..?'' she asked, looking up at him.
Magma looks over at him dully as she makes her cloak cover part of
her face "I am gonna go out. I will be back later... or not. Just
dont expect me." Magma rushes out the door. the dark Aura seems to
take control of her now. It is clear the book was cursed.
Skipper nods "What kind would you like? Mystic and Aura gave me a
bit of extra money so I got 5 different kinds. We have
shells,bowties,the long flat kind,angle's hair, and nice macrony. I
also got different sasses if you want." Skipper smiles seeming
curious on what she will want.
''what ever is fine, also you mean sauces'' she said, giggling a
the lycanroc and garnet both went into the bedroom and started
walking around and sniffing.
he sighed and started reading through the book.
''stupid cursed book.... ruining everything.......'' matthew
Skipper giggles "Ok. I will make you some nice macrony and cheese
with a few different cheeses. Maybe I will even make some extra for
your little Pokemon." Skipper walks to the break room "I will bring
it to you when done ok!".
There is a strange line of text in the book speaking of a bread
Recipe that is said to 'Open the heart' of people. it is unclear
what that means but it says the full recipe.
scarlet smiled and nodded.
''o-okay'' she stammered, hugging her hand's to her chest.
the lycanroc and garnet both went over to they're respected pokemon
bed's and laid down, the both of them deciding to take a bit of a
''you really seem to like him...'' the cloaked figure mumbled as he
came up behind her once he came out of hiding.
she jumped a bit and looked up at him, then looked away as she
blushed even more.
''w-w-well....'' she mumbled, biting her lip a little as her mind
went blank, unsure of what to say.
matthew blinked and took the book to the kitchen, going around and
grabbing the stuff that was there that he could use.
Club wakes up from where he was napping and starts to pull at the
cloak the strange person is wearing. Club giggles clearly still
A portal opens in Matthew's room and Dusk comes out of it and lays
on Matthew's bed clearly to weak to get up now. He is very badly
hurt and almost looks worse then Matthew for a moment. He closes
one eye in pain and quickly the portal closes. Dusk coughs "I
was... a fool... to think... I could... take on... a army... of
the... strongest... Monster... Pokemon..." Dusk looks over at
Matthew "Sorry... I fleed... In a hurry... now I cant... move... I
just... need to rest..." Dusk is clearly doing his best to ignore
the pain.
the cloaked figure looked down at club and blinked.
he knelt down and patted him on the head.
''i should get going before i end up caught.....'' he muttered
scarlet nodded and crossed her arm's.
''just be careful..'' she sighed.
the cloaked figure stood up and smiled, nodding before he patted
her on the head too.
''i will, bye'' he said, then went over to the window and opened
it, then climbed out and leaped up both building's.
matthew looked over and sighed, then started up the batter before
he went over.
''i'll put a passive self healing spell over you to try and help...
granted it's not that strong, but i've been practicing'' he said,
then muttered a small incantation that cast the spell over dusk,
then went back to continue baking.