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This new daily diary

Forum-Index Diaries This new daily diary
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 14/11/2016 21:13 (7 Years ago)
Dear diary and people reading this,

This morning, I made my dad so mad because I woke up 40 minutes later than I was supposed to. Well, I got so scared because I heard something breaking from the other side of my house. When I was in the car going to school, I asked my mom what my dad broke. She said that he broke a mirror and a lamp. I said "Now that's what I call karma!" When I got back from school, I sow the broken mirror and the lamp. Not. There.

Love, but not really, FluxDigital1 (please dont ask for my real name)
Hey guess what I'm gay.


why r u still here

you know the only two questions people ask me at my school are "Are you really gay?" and "Who do you like?" like seriously yeah im gay and HELL NO I AINT TELLING YOU WHO I LIKE