Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Diaries → YikesKanto (Emera):
Johto (Emera):
Hoenn (Emera):
Sinnoh (Emera):
Unova (Emera):
Kalos (Emera):
Galar (Emera):
Title: Emera Shiny Sprites
Kanto (With other regions pre-vos and evos):
Title: All Retro Sprites
Kanto Retro:
Johto Retro:
Hoenn Retro:
Unova Retro:
Shiny Retro Sprites
Kanto Shiny Retro:
Johto Shiny Retro:
Hoenn Shiny Retro:
Unova Shiny Retro:
Refreshing during mini games resets the timer and doesn't reward any tickets. Only the ducklett fishing game restarts the mini game but not the timer. Cooldown timer increases after a certain amount of games and resets daily.
In Wingull Gulf, the goal is to click on Wingull and Pelipper. Avoid Swablu and Piplup, these can also appear as shiny and remove your points. Piplup can only appear on the lower half of the screen. The hit box is centered on their beaks. 30 minute cool down to begin. Increases by 10 minutes every 20 games. Costs 1,500pd. Game time approximately 2 minutes.
Wingull: 1 point
Shiny Wingull: 2 points
Pelipper: 3 points
Shiny Pelipper: 6 points
Piplup: -3
Shiny Piplup: -6
Swablu: -1
Shiny Swablu: -2
You cannot go below 0 points
100 points total are possible, 15 tickets total
Above 90 points rewards ~12 tickets.
80 points- 6 tickets
In Whack-A-Diglet, you can whack Diglet, Dugtrio, Wiglett, Wugtrio, Sproutlet, and Sproutrio. Avoid the Orthworm.1 hour cool down. Game costs 1000 pd.
Minigame time: 60 seconds
Diglet: 1
Dugtrio: 3
Shiny Diglet: 5
Wiglet: 2
Wugtrio: 4
Sproutlet: 4
Sproutrio: 5
Shiny Sproutlet: 10
Orthworm: --10 points. This can drop you below 0 points. It doesn't affect the time remaining.
20 points : 4 tickets
60 points : 12 tickets
84 points : 16 tickets
86 points : 17 tickets
100 points : 20 tickets (Max Drop)
In the Corn Maze you gather 5 stamps, fight pokemon and can find other items. If you exit the maze prematurely you can re enter in the beginning. You have the full day to enter the maze as many times as you need to. Gathering stamps yields tickets, 4 each. Defeating pokemon yields tickets, 1 each battle. Some pokeballs yield tickets. There are also other items found in the maze including mystery items, gems, cosplay boxes, and pokeballs. Making it through the maze after collecting all the stamps yields 25 tickets.
Unordered to find all the stamps it helps to draw out the maze as you go in order to full explore it. Personally I use a large sheet of construction paper or an erasable white board.
In Apple Bobbing you click on a half barrel full of apples (and an applin) and water once a day. The result is random, and can yield boosts similar to the daily water fountain (mega, shiny, or breeding boosts) or the following.
Missing keychain - 50 tickets
Missing lunch - 50 tickets
Missing puffpuff - 100 tickets
A pokeball - pokeball
Plushie (shiny applin)
In Ducklett Fishing every 15 minutes (timer shortened by interactions) you can click on any of 4 pokemon : Ducklett, shiny Ducklett, Baby Ducklett, and Swablu.
The longer you wait to click the higher amount of ticket you find (in theory, honestly it seems random). Refreshing the page resets the appearance but not the cooldown timer. Costs 580 pd. After 20 games, the cooldown timer increases to 20 minutes
Max: 99 tickets
Ticket drop is normally in the lower range of 5-15
The Baby Ducklett seems to yield the most tickets
The Prize Booth is where you exchange your tickets for rewards. You can click on any of the items or pokemon on display and Newton will tell you the cost, then you can complete the trade. You can click on Newton, as well, to get him as an event egg (1,000). Prizes rotate daily.
Possible prizes:
Retro Egg: Zapdos (500), Moltres( 500), Articuno (500), Typhlosion (250), Feraligator (250), Meganium (250), Blastoise (250), Charizard (250), Venusaur (250)
Event Egg: New (400)
Items: Random Gem (10), Selfie Stick (100), Mega Stone (500)
Plushies: Shiny Pinsir (30), Shiny Magmar (30), Timid (100), Hoggy (100), Chef(100), Bold (100), Staid (100), Aqua (100), Nappy (100), Rainbow (250).
Shiny Harvest Sprite Plushies : unknown
Which Harvest Sprite Plushie appears is different for each person, each day. Sometimes the same one will appear twice in one event
Levels needed to Win Rowan Quests
Pikachu = 101
Eevee = 141
Gyarados = 181
Snorlax = 206
Mewtwo = 256
Sizzlipede = 101 (based on one report)
Magikarp = 146 (at least)
Wailord = 188
Dragonite = At least 244
Title: Shiver Spark Week
Smoochum : ice/psychic
Lapras : water/ice
*Sneasel : dark/ice
Swinub : ice/ground
Delibird : ice/flying
*Snorunt : ice
Spheal : ice/water
Snover : grass/ice
Vanillite : ice
Cubchoo : ice
Cryogonal : ice
Amaura : rock/ice (also Sail Fossil)
*Bergmite : ice
*Snom : ice/bug
Eiscue : ice
Arctozolt : ice/electric (also Dino Fossil)
Arctovish : ice/water (also Fish Fossil)
Cetoddle : ice (just released)
Frigibax : dragon/ice
Acquired other ways:
Alolan Sandshrew : ice/steel (rumble)
Alolan Vulpix : ice (rumble)
Galarian Mr. Mime : ice/psychic (rumble)
Galarian Darumaka : ice (rumble)
Articuno : ice/flying (gem collector : 2,500 ice gems and 2,500 flying gems)
Glastrier : ice (gem collector : 5,000 ice gems)
*=has mega or special form
Regice of Royal Tunnel, not affected
Catercream: bug/ice
Winter Mareep : electric/ice
Woopice : ice/ground
Unown Flake : psychic/ice
Santa Bird : ice/fairy
Princess Smoochum : ice/fairy
Winter Numel : ice/ground
Gooseboarder : ice
Frosty Kecleon : normal/ice
Pachirisnow : electric/ice
Shellos (North) : water/ice
Sundaelite (all types) : ice
Snowling: normal/ice
Skugar: grass/ice
Eiscue (Love) : ice
Snowrex : psychic/ice
Title: Berry Garden Things
Fast (green): Aguav, Aspear, Bluk, Cheri, Chesto, Figy, Grepa, Hondew, Iapapa, Kelpsy, Leppa, Lum,, Mago, Nanab, Oran, Pecha, Persim, Pinap, Pomeg, Qualot, Rawst, Razz, Sitrus, Tamato, Wepear, Wiki
Grow Time: Level 1: ~4 minutes. Level 50: ~21 minutes. Level 100: ~25 minutes
Medium (blue): Babiri, Belue, Charti, Chople, Cobe, Colbur, Cornn, Durin, Haban, Kasib, Kebia, Magost, Nomel, Occa, Pamtre, Passho, Payapa, Rabuta, Rindo, Shuca, Spelon, Tanga, Wacan, Watmel, Yache
Grow Time: Level 1: ~53 minutes
Slow (purple): Apicot, Chilan, Ganlon, Lansat, Liechi, Petaya, Salac, Starf
Grow Time: Level 1: ~2 hours
Very Slow (red): Custap, Enigma, Jaboca, Micle, Rowap
Grow Time: Level 1: ~8 hours
Resippe: Bony apple teeth
Shakes: 5 berry, 3 Moomoo Milk
Razz Bluk Nanab Wepear Pinap
Sodas: 5 berry, 1 Soda
Pomeg Kelpsy Qualot Hondew Grepa Tomato
Lemonades: 5 berry, 1 lemonade
Cornn Magost Rabuta Nomel Spelon Pamtre Watmel Durin
Berry Juices: 3 of each berry, 1 honey
Pecha Watmel Wacan Mago
Cheri Spelon Tamato Chople
Cornn Passho Kebia Wiki
Aguav Durin Rabuta Rawst
Aspear Belue Iapapa Colbur
cake & biscuit
Small Portion Biscuits: (5 biscuits)
1 Moomoo Milk 1 Flour 1 Honey 10 Pecha Berry
Large Portion Biscuits: (20 biscuits)
4 Moomoo Milk 4 Flour 4 Honey 40 Pecha Berry
Galette Sour:
7 Moomoo Milk, 10 Flour, 20 Yache Berry lvl 5+, 15 Charti Berry lvl 3+, 10 Sitrus Berry lvl 10+
Galette Sweet:
7 Moomoo Milk, 10 Flour, 20 Kasib Berry lvl 5+, 15 Haban Berry lvl 3+, 10 Lum Berry lvl 10+
Lava Cookie:
5 Moomoo Milk, 3 Flour, 10 Leppa Berry lvl 4+, 5 Persim Berry lvl 3+
Battle Items: 15 of each berry
Paralyze Heal: Cheri Berry
Awakening: Chesto Berry
Antidote: Pecha Berry
Ice Heal: Aspear Berry
Burn Heal: Rawst Berry
Special Legendary Garden Trio: virizion, terrakion, cobalion
Silver Powder:
15 Wepear Berry lvl 15+, 10 Figy Berry lvl 10+, 5 Enigma Berry lvl 5+, 5 White Powder
Cobalt: 1 Silver Powder
Brown Powder:
15 Nanab Berry lvl 15+, 10 Iapapa Berry lvl 10+, 5 Custap Berry lvl 5+, 5 White Powder
Terracotta: 1 Brown Powder
Green Powder:
15 Aguave Berry lvl 15+, 10 Lum Berry lvl 10+, 5 Micle Berry lvl 5+, 5 White Powder
Viridian: 1 Green Powder
Hoenn Berry Battle
3 Berries
Drash medium rarity
Eggant easy rarity
Pumkin medium rarity
Hoenn Tonic:
5 Eggant lvl 2
5 Drash lvl 2
10 Pumkin lvl 5
Don't turn berries into seed if above desired level, quicker to convert and grow at minimum required level.
Rewards: Route 102 Rumble, Route 102 Rumble Upgrade, King Rod, Retro Bellossum
Title: paldea research
Horsea - Water
Shellos (north) - Water/Ice
Shellos (south) - Water
Baltoy - Ground/Psychic
Golett - Ground/Ghost
Dreepy - Dragon/Ghost
Seel - Water
Cubone - Ground
Larvitar - Rock/Ground
Bonsly - Rock
Larvesta - Bug/Fire
Jangmo'o - Dragon
Beldum - Steel/Psychic
Frigibax - Dragon/Ice
Meowth - Normal
Abra - Psychic
Tyrogue - Fighting
Elekid - Electric
Magby - Fire
Ralts - Psychic/Fairy
Bagon - Dragon
Mime Jr. - Psychic/Fairy
Happiny (Oval Stone) - Normal
Zorua - Dark
Deino - Dark/Dragon
Noibat - Flying/Dragon
Toxel - Electric/Poison
Title: Bug Hatching Contest
Drops: weedle line, Volcarona line, shedninja, masqueraine line, Ledyba line, heracross, pinsir, illumise, volbeat
Possible Mega Able Drops from Contest:
Pinsir, Heracross, Beedril
Highest Points Drops:
Megas, Shinies, Volcarona, Shedninja
Pokemon that Show Up in Catching Game:
All bug types up to and including Unova. Emeran Bug Types like Catercream and Fiesta Larvesta, muggy castform
Title: Hangman 2: Tokyo Drift
3 Letters:
4 Letters:
5 Letters:
6 Letters:
7 Letters:
Gary Oak
8 Letters:
Burn Heal
Hazy Pass
Ice Shard
X Defense
9 Letters:
Power Belt
10 Letters:
Battle Shop
Double Slap
Kebia Berry
11 Letters:
Giga Machamp
Lansat Berry
Shiny Sprite
12 Letters:
Mega Rapidash
14 Letters:
Golden Game Chip
Hello and welcome to the Hangman Guide I will probably Never Share!!
Hangman is a fairly straightforward game. You are given a certain number of blank spaces to fill with letters that will make up a word or words. The word(s) relate in some way to Pokemon and some specifically to Pokeheroes. When the answer is several words there's a space to show that. You only have to click a letter once and any instance of that letter in the given word is filled, then that letter is greyed out so you can't click it again.
There are currently 1,919 possible answers. They may contain pokemon names, types, natures, and attacks as well as regions, media characters, items, game phrases, pokeballs, berries, Plate, Berry, Ball are common suffix words. Giga and Mega are common prefix words
The shortest words contain only 3 letters and the longest contain djalkjghakh?? letters. All of the answers are in English. You have a limited number of lives.
The easiest way to solve it is
The most frequent letters appearing in the English language are e, a, r, i, o, t, n, s, l. Going in that order should give you enough information to figure out the word or phrase.
Title: Johto
Johto Sprites
Hoenn Sprites

Sinnoh Sprites

Unova Sprites
Kalos Sprites
Alola Sprites
Galar Sprites
Shadow Sprites


Title: Hoenn
Johto Shiny Sprites
Hoenn Shiny Sprites

Sinnoh Shiny Sprites

Unova Shiny Sprites
Kalos Shiny Sprites
Alola Shiny Sprites
Galar Shiny Sprites
Retro Shiny Sprites
Title: Sinnoh
Hisui Non-Shiny Dex
Paldea Shiny Dex