Forum Thread
Pokeclans (Closeing)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokeclans (Closeing)(Leatherfang)"wow were am I?"
((Leatherfang is Nightclaws Brother))
Leafkit went back to the tree and climbed it
Masterstar left his den and ate a pecha berry he loved them then he looked at beautywing she had left camp to patrol
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
(Nightclaw) Nightclaw imidiatly noticed a change like a evil force had died and the real person was revealed "Leatherfang!" Nightclaw dashes out with leafpaw right behind him
(Leafpaw)Leafpaw was curious about who Leatherfang was and why was this leatherfang so important to Nightclaw so she dashed off with him without saying a word.
(Nightclaw)Nightclaw kept running toward his brothers energy if there was one thing that NIghtclaw could sense from miles and miles away its his true brother not that evil spirit that goes by many names the most famous around these parts being Necrostar.
(Leafpaw)Leafpaw was getting tired while Nightclaw appeared to be loseing no energy what ever he was after had gotten him so ampted up that he would be running like this.
(Nightclaw)Nightclaw suddenly saw his brother laying there exhausted like he had been running because something had scared him "Leatherfang are you all right?"
(Nightclaw) "Leafpaw can you gather Sitrus Berries and some Oran Berries?"
(Leafpaw) "Sure" Leafpaw dashed off to go get the berries.
Character Name: Darkstripe
Pokemon: Absol
Personality: Secretly hates the other clans, except for Blazeclan
Apearance: A normal absol
Crush: None
Mate: None
Kin: Unknown
Clan Rank: Warrior
Age: 25
your Clan: Shadeclan
Gender: Female))