Forum Thread
Completing Kanto Dex
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Completing Kanto DexHere is a list of the pokemon that I need:

Clefable 36
Jigglypuff 39
Wigglytuff 40
Venonat 48
Mankey 56
Kadabra 64
Victreebell 71
Magnemite 81
Magneton 82
Farfetch'd 83
Chansey 113
Ditto 134
Kabuto 140
Snorlax 143
Articuno 144
Zapdos 145
Moltres 146
Mew 151
Easy - 800 PD
Medium 1300 PD
Hard and Starter - 3000 PD
Rare and Special - 4500 PD
Legend borrow - 10k PD
Please read - I will not be buying any legendaries or ditto, only borrowing.
Tell what pkmn you can sell and what pkmn you're letting me borrow, or just tell me a box to browse
Users I need to give Pokemon back to: