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Truth's Troubling Peak (Open and Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Truth's Troubling Peak (Open and Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Thu, 10/11/2016 22:47 (8 Years ago)
"How about now?"



"I swear to Arceus, ask once more and I'm going home," the girl threatened with cold eyes.

"Just this once? Look, there's a small clearing. We could set up camp there and-"

"Keizo..." Kura sighed, "We've made it no further than two miles from our last camp. The town isn't far now. And you want us to camp in plain sight? That's just asking for someone to rob us."

The male trainer's face dropped, his icy blue eyes threatening to spill tears. Despite knowing that this was just him guilt-tripping her, she gave into him. However, this just made her even more determined to beat him. It, also, made him just as determined to finally defeat his childhood rival. He'd always been slightly jealous of her. Before he met her, he was bullied for having girly Pokemon. It wasn't every day that you saw a ten year old boy cuddling a Skitty. All his bullying finally led him into capturing a Bagon which is now his Salamence. He'd always loved the feminine-looking Pokemon and loved his Salamence, even if she wasn't the most feminine of Pokemon.

They found a decent spot in the clearing, under a sitrus berry tree. From there, they could see the forest they'd just left. They could also see the next town they were meant to have been heading to. Between them, they had agreed that they would set up camp (again), battle, Keizo would head to the town and bring back their supplies, whilst Kura watched over the camp.

The tents were up pretty quickly, clearly showing how eager Keizo was. Kura, on the other hand, was purposely taking her time. She'd laid her sleeping bag down, neatly, throwing her satchel inside, also. She took out a specifically designed belt, putting it on, which she clipped her Pokeballs on to. Keizo, literally, dragged her over to their 'battle field'.

"This time, I'm going to win Kura!"

"Of course," she smirked, randomly picking out a Pokeball, although, she knew who's Pokeball it was, "Rubie, come on out!"

She released the volcano Pokemon from it's capsule. Rubie stood on her hind legs, letting out a roar, as the flames on her back burnt stronger.

"I'll take the advantage then. Swanna, I choose you!"

He did, of course, had the upper hand. His elegant swan Pokemon was part water type. But a trainer shouldn't just rely on advantage, right? Kura was keen to prove him wrong.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2016 00:00 (8 Years ago)
The relatively small traveling group continued on their way to the town. Hiorah did not stop very often unless one of her traveling companions wished to, so they made some progress with distance. They were still a little ways away, but the town was much closer than before-- just a little while longer!

Icarus and Zasalamel were on either side of her while Pudge was behidn but more toward her left-- behind Zasalamel. Navu though was walking right behind Hiorah. For specific reasons Navu was allowed to be as close to Hiorah as possible. One could say it was because of their strong bond-- Navu has known Hiorah since he was a wee tiny little thing, so if anything he considers the human his mother. For Hiorah it is a mix. He is clingy and adorable despite his size and his slight intimidation factor, but...One could say that out of her whole gang, Navu is her most dangerous Pokémon. For that reason and the underlying causes of it, Hiorah allows Navu to be with her nearly at all times. It keeps him pleased, but it also allows her to keep control over her overly protective Noivern. At least the big guy has been properly socialized...That does help.

Though the group is not using the normal paved dirth path, she is unaware of the battle commencing and has no way of viewing it. She is a ways off-- a bit ahead of them now actually since they had stopped to set up their camp, then battle. Hiorah herself is not entirely focused on her surroundings for now either-- she is focused on the town ahead of her, and what she will need to be looking for. Though that is not to say that if a significant amount of noise occurs, she will likely notice it along with her group.
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Sat, 12/11/2016 20:41 (8 Years ago)
"I'll let you move first," Keizo says, kindly, causing Kura to roll her eyes

"Well then, fine. Rubie, use eruption!"

The volcano Pokemon caused plumes of fire to erupt from the ground. Despite being resisted, it did quite a bit of damage to the swan Pokemon due to Rubie being at full health when she used it.

"Are you okay Swanna? Use scald! Unlike your eruption, scald is super effective!" And super effective it was. A hot stream of water hit Rubie, burning her. "Now use brave bird!"

The Swanna flew up into the air, glowing as it did, and dived down, towards Rubie at a tremendous speed. Kura waited until it got slightly closer before giving Rubie her next command.

"Rubie, use thunder punch!"

There was shock on Keizo's face as his precious Pokemon was knocked back, and out. Rubie, however, also took damage from the brave bird attack, and her burn, but just about managed to hang on. Their first battle lasted only minutes. Both Pokemon we're returned to their Pokeballs for a well deserved rest.

Keizo growled in frustration, "Salamence! I choose you!"

On the field, within seconds, was his huge blue and red dragon which roared loudly.

"Apatite, you're up next!" In comparison to the dragon, Apatite was not much smaller. "I'll let you go first this time."

"Gladly. Salamence use dragon pulse!"

"Apatite, dodge it!" after multiple successful dodges, the Salamence grew tired, "Now is it time for our combo?" The Luxray turns to his trainer and nods, " Let's start with wild charge!"

Apatite lit up in sparks as it sprinted towards the exhausted Salamence. As it charged towards the opponents, they couldn't see the iron tail it was also preparing. The Salamence was hit head on, causing it to cry out in pain and was then hit with the iron tail as Apatite flipped over.

"Apatite, now use ice fang and then super power!"

With frost covered fangs, the Luxray bit the dragon's leg, freezing her. With extraordinary power, the dragon was then picked up and thrown into a near by tree, bringing it down and knock the Salamence out. Between the two trainers, they agreed to stop the battle. The didn't want to cause anymore destruction. Plus, their Pokemon needed to be healed.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sat, 12/11/2016 23:17 (8 Years ago)
Lucky enough or not, Hiorah did hear the distant crashes and sounds of shaking trees from collisions and similar things. She knew, as did her group, that those sounds signalled a battle. Hiorah raised a brow as she stopped to glance back at the forest they had since exitted. The entrance to the Town was right there in front of her-- a few feet away actually, and she was out in open sun and air now that she is standing in the open grassy gap between Town and forest. Her small travelling group stopped and glanced back as well as their Trainer, but some quickly returned their focus to her as she sighed.

"Already..? Kind of early for a battle-- usually I hear those happening later around early to late noon. And in the forest no less." The girl rubbed her head, looking a but unsure, if not confused. Her Pokémon now all had their eyes on her, but it was her Serperior Icarus who gently nudged his snout against her upper neck and cheek to cheer her up. Because of her own personal experiences and the attacks and deaths that have been happening and spreading through the Regions Hiorah is a bit more weary than she usually is. It's warranted-- she is not much fo a fighter, and if one of those murderers is nearby and has her and her Pokémon in their sights...Well, she will be having none of that for sure. Thankfully though it just seemed like a normal battle-- if not at a slightly odd hour, and with a light tilt of her head followed by a shrug Hiorah turns back around and waves her hand gently.

"Let's keep going-- it's still a bit early so hopefully not many people are out at the markets and shops yet. I might just be able to get everyone some nice PokéPuffs this time~" The prospect of getting extra tasty treats on top of her own cooking had quite a few of her small travelling gang excited at that notion, but they expressed it calmly...Well all except for Navu. He "coccooned" her in his wings to express his happiness.

It did not take her very long-- only a couple of seconds-- to free herself from her cuddle-happy Noivern, and after a few minutes longer the group were in the Town and heading down the pathways toward the shops. First thing's first: Restock on essentials. Then go to the market for any more food supplies.
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 18:25 (8 Years ago)
"See what you've done now?" Kura asked, glaring at the male who thought battling would be a good idea.

"Well it's partly your fault too!"

"I take no responsibility! You wanted to battle and now half a dozen trees have been flattened!"

"Luxray threw her though!"

"His name is Apatite!"

The two flustered teen turned their backs to each other. Kura was just about at her tipping point. Keizo, on the other had, debating whether it was his fault or not. He was slightly clueless, despite people seeing him as the older, more responsible one.

"Just go get the supplies from the town. I'll stay and heal the Pokemon..." Kura mumbled, pushing past him and walking over to the injured Pokemon. Keizo sighed. Deciding not to argue with the girl and began his walk to the town, taking his Delcatty with him.

Meanwhile, Kura was stuck with the eleven other Pokemon. She had Garnet fetch some sitrus berries, while Keizo's Gardevoir helped by bringing over potions. From the bag, Kura took out some status-healing berries. Cheri for the Swanna's paralysis. A rawst berry for Rubie's burn. And an aspear berry for Salamence's frost bite. She bandaged up their wounds and left them to eat their berries.

Kura sat and watched the others play. Those that could climb, climbed on the fallen trees as if it was a toy. She knew it wouldn't be long until one of them fell. As she was just about to tell them to move away from them, Amethyst had fallen, only to get back up as if it was nothing. Of course, Cassie had laughed at her, annoying Amethyst. It soon broke out into a fight. Not a violent fight, but a playful one. Well. Sort of. Amethyst was tossing shadow balls around whilst Cassie was hitting them back with an iron tail. Kura's head fell into her hands, with her hands covering her eyes. She was just about to give up. Today had already gone so wrong.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 19:03 (8 Years ago)
Sifting through stands of fruit, vegetables, condiments and other various types of foods Hiorah was more or less ignorant to what was going on around her. To a point at least. She was still aware enough to avoid bumping into people, or knocking things over, but she was ignoring the stares, pointing and murmurs that surrounded her and her little "escort" as she playfully calls them sometimes. Though Navu was doing a good job of making sure others kept their distance from Hiorah, it was still a bit crowded around here. However this is a market complete with big stands and shops, so she is not entirely surprised. She's just constantly reminded why she avoids these types of places up until she can't avoid a trip any longer.

Or until something shiny grabs her attention. That is thankfully not happening today.

Though the young woman's attention was on her needed hunt for supplies, her little group was devided between helping her look, and keeping watch. Hiorah herself is paranoid already in these places, but with what's been happening her paranoia is worse than normal-- to the point that she bottles it up in fear of drawing attention. Her Pokémon remedy this by constantly being there with her, and keeping watch when she can't. At least she relaxes once they're out of the traffic again.

After a few more minutes Hiorah had bought some fruit and various packaged food items which she had in bags hanging from her arms. She would put them away later when they got back and set up a kind of "base camp" for the day. There might be a storm in the coming days, so she wants to wait and see before she decides if she wants to fly out on Kaiden or simply wait through the storm itself. She could also fly out on Quinn, but she doesn't want them to have to barrel through the storm either, despite their better exprience.

Walking along the girl and her group did started their treck back through the town toward the forest; she was eager to get out of this congested madness and back out into the free, calm open forest air. While she walked she got nudged by a beak and a big thick head, grabbing her attention. Turning her head Hiorah smiled at Pudge and Icarus, who were then nudging at her grocery bags. She shook her head gently but thankfully.

"No guys it's all right, you don't need to carry them for me. They're not that heavy."
Pudge insisted with cooing and more beak nudges, and Icarus just gave her a calm, unrelenting stare. The girl stared blankly back at them both, then sighed and smiled with another little shake of her head. "All right. You guys are so silly, honestly. But if you want then sure, here," She then gently distributed the bags evenly between them, but kept two for herself. Rei and Zasalamel calmly watched this unfold in silence, while Navu cooed and "chirped" for lack of a better word to express his amusement. Hiorah rubbed the Noivern's head and smiled at all of them. "There. Thank you guys, now let's go~"

They all gave affirmative sounds and continued after her, though Icarus and Pudge were slightly muffled as they carried the bags in their beak and jaws.
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 20:06 (8 Years ago)
Keizo was kind of glad to be out of Kura's presence. He felt as she would have killed him if he's been there any longer. On the other hand, he felt guilty. He'd managed to admit to himself that it was his fault. He was the one that wanted to battle. He was the one that kept bugging her to battle.

The Delcatty beside him, purred and rubbed her head against his leg. Not once did he ever regret keeping her, despite the torment he'd receive, day after day after day.... She would always surprise everyone with her thunderbolt. It was quite strong despite not being a 'stab' move. Keizo also believed that his Pokemon had a slight 'crush' on Kura's Luxray. Pokemon even have crushes? However, whenever he'd ask the Pokemon about it, she'd get all stubborn and flushed.

Walking slowly took them a good hour or so to get to the town. The market was particularly busy but, at this point in time, it wasn't the market that Keizo needed to go to. Keizo headed straight to PokeMart which had been located in the Pokemon Center of the town. The PokeMart was where the two picked up their deliveries, which their parents would send them. It consisted, mainly, of food, money and other stuff to help the two survive.

Once he received the wrapped box, he left the Pokemon center and wondered around the town for a while. For one, to look around the place. Two, to give Kura some space. If only he knew that she was not any better back there by herself.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 21:07 (8 Years ago)
At this point Hiorah was still in the town itself-- a bit of a traffic jam in the walkways had halted her attempt at a straight shot back to the forest and forced her to have to weave her way through other walkways, alleys and whatnot to try and leave the town. That did not quite go according to plan considering that some younger Trainers saw her "escorts" and stopped her. She is somewhat used to that, but it is not far-fetched to say that despite her polite kindness, she would rather avoid getting stopped by others-- battle or not.

Now they were on the move again, and Navu was starting to get a littl ansty. Not quite in the way of protective aggressiveness; no he was getting antsy because he wanted to play, and his "mother" was right there in front of him. His favorite playmate. He knew to be gentle-- she was not as sturdy as they were after all, but he also knew that her boundaries for him were...Far off in the distance when it comes to his shenanigans. She just can't resist him very well.

"Navu!" Hiorah called with equal amusement and surprise. The Noivern had playfully took her arm into his jaws, and was refusing to let go despite her wiggles and attempts to free it from those teeth. At least he has learned to be gentle, but goodness he still has a strong grip. The Noivern cooed and grumbled at her, his mouthful causing his voice to me muffled. Hiorah chuckled and pulled her arm again, and Navu pulled back, nearly making her tumble to the ground. "-- Navu!!" she laughed, knowing she was no match for this mini powerhouse. He was in a playful mood and was not going to let up anytime soon. He could have at least waited until they got out of the town though.

Rei, Zasalamel, Pude and Icarus watched from about a foot or two away. They knew by now that attempting to stop him was useless. Either they would be ignored, shooed away or dragged into it themselves. Though Zasalamel only looked somewhat amused and more calmly impatient, Rei and Icarus were clearly snickering at these familiar antics. Pudge was ruffling her feathers and staring with a dangerous little playful twinkle in her eyes-- that Pidgeot gets hyped up so easily. Having the Noivern around her is practically a nightmare sometimes because of this. If things got a bit too hectic they know Hiorah would let them all know, and the fun game would stop right there, but thankfully those times are few and far in between now.
These ones are certainly entertaining though.

"Navu come on, we need to get back," she bribed, only to get tugged on again. She stumbled and flailed her free arm before she laughed and tried wiggling her trapped one again. A quick glance to the side showed her Pudge and her gitteriness, and her eyes widened. "-- NO! Nooo, you stay over there..! No tag-teaming!" By now some passerbys were staring, but Hiorah just didn't care at this point. She was being assaulted by a playful Noivern!
...And the "assault" suddenly turned to an outright kidnapping.

Navu churred at his human mother, then yanked her especially forcefully and let go of her arm; his wings open and waiting as she tumbled forward and crashed into him. Right then they quickly snapped down around her and cocooned her, and the startled girl couldn't help the squeal that came out of her when she suddenly surrounded in a warm living leather-like skin. Navu shoved his head against her and licked her before deciding to continue with his plan. Hiorah was HIS mom, and right now he wanted her all to himself! Not with all these other unknown humans around!
The Noivern suddenly moved lightning fast as he shifted position and shoved his Trainer down to the ground. A few mere seconds later and she was carried in strong talon-like back feet and claws as her "kidnapper" took to the sky and outright flew out of there, aiming for the forest. Hiorah let out an alarmed cry, and though she was smiling this definitely startled her.

"N-- NAVU!!"

The other four stared blankly as their Trainer was kidnapped by one of their own, then Rei snorted in amusement and shook his head. Yep, that was definitely bound to happen. The red Mega Lucario glanced quickly to the others before turning and bolting after the two. Welp, need to catch up before they get too far! The rest followed suit, leaving a rather alarmed and confused group of people standing there in the streets and sidewalks.

At least Hiorah is finally getting what she wanted. Just not quite the way she was originally thinking.
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 22:04 (8 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 22:17 (8 Years ago)
"I think we best get going before Kura kills us for being late, don't you think, Delcatty?"

The cat nods and mews softy. However, she wonders off into the depths of the market place, weaving in and out of the crowd. Keizo could barely keep up with her, but made sure that he always kept sight of the purple tip on her tail. When he did catch up to her, he'd found her sitting at a sweet stand, eyeing up the Pokemon Sweets. Poffins... PokeBlocks... Poke Puffs... There was even a range of sweets and biscuits etc for humans. The stall was, surprisingly, quite quite. And by the looks of it, Delcatty wasn't about to budge until she got some.

Kura grew bored. The Pokemon had grown bored. Even Amethyst had given up tormenting people. Keizo had still not come back. She let out a groan. They'd made about a miles progress form yesterday, which was not a lot.

"Would he mind if I went to explore a bit? Probably. But he's not here. And I'd take all the Pokemon with me. I'd be safe. They'd be safe. What about the camp? I could maybe leave Garnet? Or Apatite? No... Apatite would want to come. I could leave Amethyst? Or would she cause too much trouble? Rubie seems well enough. Maybe I could leave Rubie and Amethyst? I definitely can't leave Cassie and Amethyst. They're would be no camp to come back to..."

Kura notices the strange looks she's receiving from her Pokemon and it's then she realizes that she's just been talking to herself. To regain her dignity, she stands and announces a 'mini adventure'.

"Rubie, are you okay staying here with Amethyst to protect the camp?"

Rubie nods and walks over to Amethyst who'd also agreed to the 'job'. Kura, returns Keizo's five other 'mons and put's their Pokeballs in her satchel. With her bag over her shoulder she heads over to the tree line, going back into the forest, with four of her six Pokemon following her. There was no road or path. So she got the idea to drop 'beads' (from an old, broken bracelet) on the ground, after every few steps, to mark a temporary path. The beads were bright blue in color and she had no problem with seeing them.

Kura and her Pokemon followed the imaginary path for some time. It wasn't long until she could hear running water. A stream, maybe? A stream it was, indeed. It started off small, but as they continued to follow it, it eventually lead out to a lake. It wasn't a huge lake. But it was still a lake and it fascinated her. Surely, it was something to tell Keizo about? The group quickly made their way back, with ease thanks to the beads, in fear that Keizo had returned.

Recap? I believe the two sets of characters are somewhere between a forest and a town o.o we really haven't got very far from where we started tbh
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 16/11/2016 00:49 (8 Years ago)
Jack stepped forward again, testing the ground for sturdiness. He didn't want to fall into another ariados trap like the last time. That thought made him shiver. Jack checked once again that Chromos was in his pokeball, safe. Ever since he had befriended him, Jack always worried what Chromos thought of him. Was Jack too cautious and paranoid? Or was he too confident? Jack was worrying when he on a twig. The snap sounded like a whip crack in the silent forest. Jack held his breath, listening for anything that could have heard him and come to investigate.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Wed, 16/11/2016 01:48 (8 Years ago)
(I did notice that yes, I also noticed that so far it is quite hard to actually get our characters to meet up. The closest we've gotten is Hiorah stumbling upon their camp, but then leaving them be. XD I am unsure what exactly your characters are planning, but Hiorah is staying at least two more days at most to eye up a bad storm coming from overseas. If it doesn't look too dangerous for flight she will travel through it and migrate to the nearest city again in Kalos. I have randomly decided the one they are at now is literally just a town, not a city. XD)

Off in the distance, Hiorah was finally on her feet again. She was not free; Navu still had a firm hold of her, but at least she was on solid ground again. Currently the girl was flat on the ground laughing her head off as she got full-on "attacked" by the overly affectionate Noivern again. The others had caught up and taken the rest of the bags of groceries away so they would not get squasshed in the fray, but for now the rest of the gang wasn't let out yet. Hiorah couldn't exactly release them from their Pokéballs when she had a big dragon-bat pinning her down and smothering her.

Icarus simply coiled up into a comfortable ball of snake body and sat there, patiently waiting for the antics to cease, at least for a little while. Pudge entertained herself with Rei, who gently swatted up at her approaching beak and talons when she attempted to grab and poke at him. Zasalamel on the other hand was scouting around the area they were in to make sure no-one was following them or the like.
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 02:13 (8 Years ago)
(Posting here cause this is the RP, but yea. XD Has this RP died, or has someone gotten busy? It has been a few weeks I think? I was going to suggest a time-skip the next time someone replied, but I never got a new reply. XD)
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !