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Truth's Troubling Peak (Sign-ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Truth's Troubling Peak (Sign-ups)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 15:49 (8 Years ago)

Welcome All!

This is a Pokémon-Based RP only!

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Many years after the near descrution of the world (X/Y & Z Movie plot basically) things have been relatively calm. Sure there are minor cases of disruption thanks to the still functioning Organizations such as Team Plasma, Team Galactic, and so forth. Every now and again news comes up of some of their happenings, or of the disbanded group Team Rocket as they attempt their combacks.

Small happenings disrupt common life for those around, but nothing too major is plaguing anyone. Most of the minor things are simply ignored by the public and Trainers-- after all they have dreams to chase don't they? Though it is without saying that it is rather hard to ignore the strange chain of happenings within the past few months...

For one reason or another, there have been deaths and injuries of people and Pokémon. Some separate, some being of Trainers and their teams-- but the victims themselves are spread throughout the Regions. The culprits have not been caught, but there has been speculation concerning the surviving vitcims...Some say that they were attacked by a horrid boy in a Red Cap with bright red eyes and his Pokémon. Others say they were attacked by a group featuring the same boy-- and yet others say they were attacked by someone completely different. There is somehting more going on here...Something that could very well lead to an utter disaster.

Will you hide and attempt to save yourself or your friends? Or will you go charging in to find out what is happening, and attempt to stop it before it gets even worse?

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- PokéHeroe Rules Apply
- Please, PLEASE be active! That is one thing I myself will absolutely keep to, and I hope you do as well. If you are going to have to slow down/leave the RP for any reason whatsoever, please let the rest of us know!
- No Godmodding/Gary/Mary Sues (Yes I know this is controversal so basically: Don't make your character[s] invincible please)
- You cannot kill a Character unless it is arranged thuroughly. (Yours or somoene elses!)
- Blood and Gore ok, but please keep it to a minimum
- There is no real limit to the number of Character[s] one could have. (Do not overburdern yourself though!)
- Don't be rude!
- Pokémon CAN be Mega Evolved
- Please put the code-saying "Let's Get 'em Rollin!" somewhere in your post to show me you read the rules!

Other Noteworthy Things to Consider:

This universe is the one my own Trainer and Team live in-- it is a slightly tweaked Pokémon Universe to fit my fancy. Most common rules still apply, but there are some differences:
- An official Battle Team is still limited to 6 Pokémon. However a Trainer's own personal team is NOT. (Meaning that your Trainer can have more than 6 Pokémon, but is only allowed to officially use 6 of them during official battles) I will not allow 20 or more Pokémon for one single Trainer.
- Teams consisting purely of Pokémon (like Mystery Dungeon Teams) can and sometimes will interact with humans, Trainers and their teams.
- A good majority of the Legendaries are actual Species consisting of more than one actual creature. (Obviously this means there are lots of Giratinas, Palkias, Dialgas, Reshirams, etc.) The only one who is not an actual species is Arcues-- he is one of a kind! (Because of this he is OFF-LIMITS to Trainers-- he cannot be caught, but he CAN be "befriended")
- Because of certain things, in this Unverse Pokémon can be Permanently Mega Evolved. Though for this there must be a reason. Either they were experimented on, they came in contact with an Obylisk and make a promise/wish, etc. Mega Evolved Pokémon are very powerful, so we can't simply have a billion of them running around willy-nilly!

Now then, those are the root basics that one is to follow in this RP. If you are not ok with how this Universe works, that's all right. There are plenty of other fun RPs you can join!

For Characters, you can have a simple human, a Trainer and their Team, a Pokémon-only Team, or all of them if you want! It is up to you! Again I just ask that you don't overburden yourself please. X'D

A note: Random encounters with wild Pokémon do not have to be planned. After all they are random. You can make that happen whenever you want-- same with random people and organizations! The only time you need to converse with the rest of us is if those "random encounters" impact your Character[s] and others strongly.


[b]Human Characters[s]:[/b] Please put Names and Genders.

[b]Pokémon Character[s] (For your Trainer[s]):[/b] Names and Genders as well please.

[b]Pokémon Character[s] (If you have a separate Pokémon Team):[/b] Names and Genders as well please.

[b]Other Noteworthy Character[s]? (Bad guys, important wild Pokémon, etc):[/b] Please note that if it is a bad guy we would have to discuss how they interact with others and how they would change how the RP plot.

My Form:

Username: Hiorah

Human Characters[s]: My Female Trainer Hiorah~

Pokémon Character[s] (For your Trainer[s]):
Female Pidgeot - "Pudge" (Normal Battle Team)
Male Superior - "Icarus" (Normal Battle Team)
Male Zoroark - "Kuma" (Normal Battle Team)
Male Noivern - "Navu" (Normal Battle Team)
Male Charizard (Can Mega Evolve) - "Kaiden" (Normal Battle Team)
Genderless/Unknown Reshiram - "Quinn" (Companion/Switch-Out)
Female Ninetails - "Esmerdya" (Companion/Switch-Out)
Female Sylveon (shiny) - "Mora" (Companion/Switch-Out)
Male Arcanine (Shiny) - "Archie" (Companion/Switch-Out)
Male Lucario (Perma-Mega Evolved) - "Rei" (Companion/Switch-Out)
Male Zygarde - "Zasalamel" (Companion/Switch-Out)

Pokémon Character[s] (If you have a separate Pokémon Team): N/A

Other Noteworthy Character[s]? (Bad guys, important wild Pokémon, etc): (These are the main bad guys Plot Wise)
Guy- Red
Guy- Lucas
Guy- Gold
Guy- Brendan
Guy - ??? (Secret/Surprise until further notice)

Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 19:39 (8 Years ago)
It sounds fun, but I have a question or two before I join.

Am I right to think this takes place in the Kalos region?

Do I have to have other 'Noteworthy Characters' or is it optional?
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 20:44 (8 Years ago)

Yes you are. It does initially start off in Kalos-- there might be some future traveling, but it does take place in Kalos in the beginning.

And no you don't need to have other extra characters/bad guys-- that is purely optional to you. X3
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 21:39 (8 Years ago)
Username: Khristian_Leigh
Human Characters[s]:
1. Kura Konda ~ Female
2. Keizo Sunada ~ Male
Pokémon Character[s] (For your Trainer[s]):
Kura's 'mons:

Typhlosion - 'Rubie' - Female
Walrein - 'Zircon' - Male
Luxray - 'Apatite' - Male
Braviery - 'Garnet' - Male
Aggron (Mega) - 'Cassie' - Female
Gengar - 'Amethyst' - Female

Keizo's 'mons:

Gardevoir (Mega) - Female
Flareon - Female
Swanna - Female
Roserade - Female
Delcatty - Female
Salamence - Female
*Keizo does not nickname his Pokemon, as you can see*

Pokémon Character[s] (If you have a separate Pokémon Team):
Other Noteworthy Character[s]? (Bad guys, important wild Pokémon, etc):
N/A, up to yet

Also, I hope you don't mind the color. I find that it helps me to manage my characters better~
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 21:48 (8 Years ago)

Nice! I see no quarrels with anything, so you are in!
And honestly that is a wonderful idea! I never thought of that-- I usually just stick to more common "writer rules" like switching to a new paragraph when someone else speaks or does something, or when a scene changes. XD That is a marvelous idea.

I applaud you for that simple yet easy method. XD Hehe but now I ask you:
Do you simply want to start this RP now, and make it a one-on-one, wait for another RP Partner or two, or what..? Is there a preference? XD

I am tempted to see how Keeping it "Open" would work, as I have not done that before, but I am rather new to Group-RPing too. Usually I just do one-on-ones. XD
What would you prefer?
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 586
Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 22:29 (8 Years ago)
Well, I'll be asleep soon so you can start it if you want to and I'll get back as soon as I wake up.

It's really up to you wat you want to do with the rp. I mean, I've made rps meant for bigger groups of people but find no one really wanted to join them.

For this rp, I think its probably possible to leave it open for people to join in later on. The situation with that could just be that our character pass the new character(s) whilst traveling and they just join us. Obviously it'd be a bit more detailed xD But that's just an example of what could happen.

I dont mind having a one-on-one rp. It's just that I'm going to be at college a lot. If there were more people, the rp could keep going even if someone was away. Again, its up to you.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 06/11/2016 22:44 (8 Years ago)

Hmm true. You make a good point-- I think for now I will simply start up the Official RP Thread and leave it as "Open" for anyone who gets interested. X3 And in that case, goodnight, hehe!

I'll edit this post with a link to the RP Threat Itself once i get it set up and get my beginning reply up. X3

EDIT: And HERE is the official RP Thread! X3
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 20:26 (8 Years ago)

Jack Aglaid (Male):

Dialga 'Chromos' (is that allowed?):

meets aron?:

Did I mess up?
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 20:43 (8 Years ago)

Well I am not quite sure what/who you are going for here. XD

There was a form you were to fill out above that makes things easier, did you go by that?

If I had more clarification understanding when/how you would come into the Roleplay would be a bit easier. X3

And as for your question: Yes, Dialga is allowed. After all my character has a Reshiram and a Zygarde. XD
I am a bit confused, so clarification would help here. Then I'll get back to you with specifics~
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 21:08 (8 Years ago)
Username: LordChromos

Human Characters[s]: Jack Aglaid (Male)

Pokémon Character[s] (For your Trainer[s]): Dialga 'Chromos' (male)

Other Noteworthy Character[s]? (Bad guys, important wild Pokémon, etc): Grimm is Jack's brother, who's only pokemon are ninjask and shedinja. He follows his brother from a distance, trying to influence him to join him in starting a new team, Team Vengeance.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 21:19 (8 Years ago)
-- Ah that is better! X3 Clearer understanding of who you are using.

This checks out all right to me!
I do have questions about Grimm though-- simple ones really. Will he be appearing randomly? And do you plan on having him impact the plot/RP storyline very significantly? Cause if so we are going to need to plan this accordingly with each other-- including the other current RP Partner sharing this. X'3

Grimm can still definitely be a thing, i just want to know how much of an impact he will actually have.

Other than that, I'll put your characters in!
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 22:00 (8 Years ago)
Grimm will be appearing whenever Jack has just lost a battle, trying to bribe him with power. Other than that, he doesn't appear. He could impact the story by having Team Vengeance 'absorbing' all the other teams, but that can happen much later if you want. Right now, he is a desperate, evil dude who wants revenge, hence the name.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Wed, 16/11/2016 00:29 (8 Years ago)
Hmhmm that is a neat concept, though the main problem is that the other organizations aren't really a main problem in this Roleplay-- they are side-instances that might pop up and bug characters for a little while, but they are not the main bad guys.

I do like the idea though-- we should get an opinion from @Khristian_Leigh too, maybe they would have ideas to help this integrate into the plot a bit.
Hatch And Grow Them Please~ !