Posted: Sun, 16/10/2016 02:49 (8 Years ago)
I was born just like anyone, to a mother with crystal blue eyes,
and a smile that shined like the sun, but that didn't mean that she
was kind, or sweet, quite the opposite really. She is ruthless and
means, always trying to make me different, she even threatened to
throw me in the orphanage when I was younger, so i learned to do
whatever it took to please her. The reason she is so tough on me is
that she said she had a "reputation" to keep up. So that is why, i
am known here, at lion heart school for failers, because I got a B-
in Gym...Im honestly tariffed due to the reputation of this place.
So That leads me to know......
A teacher walked up to Sunset and grabbed the Journal out of her
hands "Excuse me, young lady, I Don't belive i told you-you
could write, did I?" in a most menacing way. Sunset stuttered
"B-but its not class for another twenty minutes...". The
teacher then gave her a gare "Do not argue with your superior,
and do not stutter, it makes you look weak". Sunset said
"Yes ma'am".as the teacher walked away from her, throwing
the journal on the ground."This is going to be a long