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Warriors: The forest of darkness (roleplay)

Forum-Index Roleplay Warriors: The forest of darkness (roleplay)
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 20:55 (8 Years ago)
Ripplepaw opened his jaws and scented he caught a fresh scent of mouse "I smell a mouse" he meowed softly keeping his voice low.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 01:08 (8 Years ago)
"Here's a small trick, that my mentor taught me." AmberFlame said, wrapping her tail over Ripplepaw's eyes. "Okay, feel with your paws, and taste with your tongue, and breathe the fresh breeze." AmberFlame said, her mind been telling her there was closer prey nearby.
Meet Ignite, a one day old charmander.

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Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 01:14 (8 Years ago)
"ok" Ripplepaw replied and kept his jaws parted he then heard the scuttle of the mouse he scented under a pine tree.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 01:15 (8 Years ago)
"There's more than just a mouse around here." AmberFlame said, "lift your nose only to the sky." She said.
Meet Ignite, a one day old charmander.

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Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 01:19 (8 Years ago)
He did what she said. Once he lifted his head up he scented more than just the mouse. "There's a Robin in the trees as well as a few rabbits" he whispered naming some of what he scented.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 01:21 (8 Years ago)
"That's the part where you want to feel the movement through the ground." AmberFlame said softly.
Meet Ignite, a one day old charmander.

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Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 01:37 (8 Years ago)
Ripplepaw nodded and began to focus. He then felt the movement of the rabbit in the leaves he looked at Amberflame slightly and whispered "I feel movement in the leaves"
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 01:40 (8 Years ago)
"The leaves are a key, but try the soft movement of the shifty earth beneath the animals, listen. Keep your eyes close and follow the prey." Amberflame said, as she gently unwrapped her tail, and moved away. "Follow your chosen prey, and prepare to kill it." AmberFlame said.
Meet Ignite, a one day old charmander.

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Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 01:48 (8 Years ago)
Ripplepaw nodded and crouched down. Focusing his attention on the movement in the leaves he parted his jaws, and scented the rabbit causing the leaves to move. He then narrowed his eyes and saw the rabbit had its back turned to him, and it was eating at a small patch of grass. Ripplepaw then slowly crept up on the rabbit carefully. He thought of where he could place his paws as to not move the earth as much as possible. He then was less than a tail length away from the rabbit when he bundled his muscles and leapt at the rabbit killing it swiftly.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 02:55 (8 Years ago)
AmberFlame smiled, "Congrats that's a big one." She said, as she expected it, "Okay, has Treepelt taught you the bush jump?" She asked, RipplePaw.
Meet Ignite, a one day old charmander.

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Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 02:57 (8 Years ago)
He shook his head as he buried the rabbit to pick it up later. "No he hasn't" he meowed kindly. He was excited for a new move to learn.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 03:02 (8 Years ago)
"What did you learn from him?" AmberFlame asked, she never did bother anyone about the training they did.
Meet Ignite, a one day old charmander.

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Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 03:03 (8 Years ago)
He thought for a moment "he taught me how to fight, as well as the hunter's crouch, and what to do when you fight a fox" he said trying to summarize all he learnt.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 03:06 (8 Years ago)
"Okay, so the bush jump exist of three cats, each one angled themselves to the bush, a cat would give a signal to the other cats and they would pounce on their prey that they picked." AmberFlame explained to them.
Meet Ignite, a one day old charmander.

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Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 03:08 (8 Years ago)
Ripple paw nodded "sounds easy enough" he meowed lowly.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 03:09 (8 Years ago)
"You would think that!" AmberFlame said jokey, as she bumped into him, as she went to find a bush with birds in it.
Meet Ignite, a one day old charmander.

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Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 03:12 (8 Years ago)
Ripplepaw watched silently he wanted to wait and see if he could jump in and catch something. He then saw a bird fly up from the bush, he jumped up and hooked the bird before it got out of claw range.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 21
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 05:23 (8 Years ago)
I leave the story)
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 19:07 (8 Years ago)
She look over the two and try to focus on a strange sound in the forest like a group of mouses