Nemi stopped moving , she was sitting still and only her eyes was
moving and shining in darkness . Her nose is catching scents all
around . She is making sure that nobody evil is here
Nemi was able to be awake for soo long but suddely she heard a
strange noise . Nemi nodded and she looked at sleeping pokemons and
she made a sound that sounds like barking of dog "Wake up ! We have
no time for sleeping , somebody is here !"
"The destiny is unsure..." Nemi said , her mother was always
telling it to her . Her mother... She hated her mother soo much !
Nemi hummed a little tone , it sounded like old music box "We must
stay strong , our souls are strong ." She said and she stopped
moving , waiting
"We must go alone , its propably going after us and we dont want
that thing to catch us all at once , we should choose our own ways
and go alone ..." Nemi said , she slowly started humming main theme
of game of thrones , she dont know why but maybe it will confuse
that thing . "It stopped ... Maybe we scared it away ?"
Scullz eyes were full of sadness and anger. "Never again. We're not
splitting up. I think that-" There's a rustle and the sound of
metal against metal. "That would be the scientists..."
Scullz shivers. "I wonder who they're coming for..."
A shout echoes through the forest. A kid in regular clothes with
dark hair and dark blue eyes steps out of the trees. Scullz looks
down and let's out a small trill. The kid looks at Violet. He
speaks in perfect pokemon. "Hi. You must be Violet. Will you come
with me calmly?"