Forratio had been whistling a small, slightly eerie, tune, he knew
his way around this town, sort of, not willing to admit he only
knew where the keckleon shop and the cherry tree were. He took his
sweet time, taking the only path he knew towards the keckleon shop,
might as well prepare, even if it was for just a bit. He had put on
a frown when he got there, with barely any hesitation on his
whistling "great, other customers" he murmured to himself quietly,
he walked away, deciding that he had better things to do anyways,
trying to avoid any and all conversations. He took the only other
path he knew in the town, towards the cherry tree, he was still
intent on whistling his small tune when he got to his destination,
just seemingly standing there right in front of the cherry tree.
After staring at the tree long enough,Avian felt like if he had to
do something else with his time,and he heard there was a cafe
around here.
"Maybe something to eat might be a good idea...."Avian said,and
after some minutes looking around,he found the cafe.
He entered trying to look intimidating,made a quick glance at
everyone in the cafe and sat down in a table,uncaring if someone
was sitting in the same table before him
The table Avian sat down at just happened to be the same table
Vulcan had occupied himself. Noticing the sour look on the Archen's
face, he opted out of saying anything and instead chose to wave the
waitress over with a flick of his red-tipped tail. "Could I have
this, please?" he asked, tapping the menu and looking at her
hopefully. When she curtsied and flounced to the kitchen to place
his order, he turned back to eye the other Pokemon across from him.
He wanted to at least greet him since it seemed only proper
considering they were sharing space over here in the corner, but he
didn't want to be growled at today.
Nothing serious has happened yet. xD Vulcan, Avian, and Dully are
at the cafe, Forratio is at the cherry tree, and Pan and Tyron are
at the shop.)
Aqua, was walking, looking around at the stuff. She stared at the
Cafe up ahead. "Huh, I might as well go there. After all I am
hungry." She started trotting towards the Cafe. She entered and sat
down by herself.
Avian was looking around,and then,he noticed somebody was asking
"Could I have this,please?",near him,and turned his head to see a
Fennikin asking the waiter,sitting on the sane table as him,he was
more probably before him.
At first,Avian tried to ignore that,but he was getting annoyed,if
there is a thing he couldn't stand,is being near someone Without
even exchanging a word.
"Greetings"He said to the Fennikin,whitout caring to sound
intimidating this time
Vanilla wandered into the cafe to sit down in a chair nearby. It
didn't know why it went there, since it didn't have a mouth to eat
or drink, but it still went anyways. Maybe to socialize? Its life
was pretty boring. Being a Level 5 Pokemon, it couldn't get into
battling that quickly, so he was patiently waiting for life to take
a turn...
It's kinda hoppin' at the cafe right now lol you could jump in
Vulcan jumped in his seat at the sound of Avian's voice, knocking
against the table and making a feeble grab at his cup before it
tottered and fell. "O-Oh, hello," he answered meekly, looking down
to hide the embarrassed blush spreading across his cheeks. Great
first impression, dork, Vulcan thought to himself, hopping off
his seat to blot the spill with his napkin and hide himself from
any curious eyes.
Skar decided to visit the Cafe, after a few hours of thinking. As
he reached and stepped inside the Cafe, he already saw a bunch of
other Pokemon around. He walked to the guy that was selling drinks
on the Cafe, and asked for a berry juice.
(Well, i see That i don't have to do anything, for now X) Just
"Are You really the one who Can set me free?
I can't feel those without heart...
Just who are those who Can awake my heart?
Can You end my sorrow and set me free?
Just... Who Can break my rocked Heart?
Who's filled with only pain...
So, are You the ones who Can reached my forgotten golden heart?
Can You ended my deepest pain...?"
Avian looked at the Fennikin lookin at the floor when talking to
him,he seemed to be the timid kind of mon,he thought that was a
little bit funny...
But anyways,he decided to continue the conversation even
"Hey,so...Which is your name?Mine is Avian"He said to the Fennekin
After a few moments, or minutes, he couldn't really tell anymore,
of daydreaming, just staring into the cherry tree, something
finally brought Forratio back into reality, his stomach growled and
churned at him...maybe skipping breakfast wasn't the best idea. He
looked around, trying to find the closest spot to have a bite or
two, luckily for him, it wasn't that far off. He whistled his eerie
tune again, as he walked towards a nearby cafe. He wasn't pleased
when he entered, as the cafe had drawn in a bit of a crowd already,
'ah well, how bad can it be' he thought, taking his seat in a
decently quiet corner of the cafe, continuing to whistle despite it
being greatly overpowered by the crowd
"Ah, I've heard that really strong Torchic grow arms! But, I
haven't seen one myself..." Pan replied, ducking to the ground to
find the fallen berry. "Perhaps one day you'll grow strong enough
to get them!"
"Oh!" he said, suddenly jerking his head back up. "I haven't even
introduced myself to you yet! I'm Pan, the Nomadic Skiddo who
wanders all around the world in search of visiting everywhere there
is to visit!" He posed. "You are...?"
"Oh! Sorry! My Name is Tyron, The Torchic! One Day, i Will becoming
the strongest Fire-Type Ever! I'm always trying to fond someone
stronger than me, to become stronger and breaking my limits! Nice
to meet You, Pan! ."
Then he starts to think and then...
"Oh! I've almost forgot! I need to go training into the Forest
before Night Come!"
"Are You really the one who Can set me free?
I can't feel those without heart...
Just who are those who Can awake my heart?
Can You end my sorrow and set me free?
Just... Who Can break my rocked Heart?
Who's filled with only pain...
So, are You the ones who Can reached my forgotten golden heart?
Can You ended my deepest pain...?"
"Training in the forest?" Pan asked. "What kind of forest is it?
You see, I've never been around in these parts, so I have no
clue where anything is or what kind of places there are..."
Suddenly, he gasped. "Wait! Could this forest be...a Mystery
Dungeon?" Mystery Dungeons...I've never been to one before! If
it really is one, I may go visiting, too... he thought to
"I don't really know... It's called "The Cherry Forest" Apparently,
it appears There was not si long ago... And it's a real Labyrinth
in there... And There is should have Bug and Grass Types! I'm ready
to... BURNING UP There! Oh, You wanted to train too, huh? "
He said with a smile
"Well, You decide! But i'm not forcing, if You don't want to,
well.. I Will train myself alone."
"Are You really the one who Can set me free?
I can't feel those without heart...
Just who are those who Can awake my heart?
Can You end my sorrow and set me free?
Just... Who Can break my rocked Heart?
Who's filled with only pain...
So, are You the ones who Can reached my forgotten golden heart?
Can You ended my deepest pain...?"