Tiger nodded to Gale before glaring at Ivan slightly. "His
training is to stop himself from loosing control, and..." He
then looked away before telling the last part. I can't let this
kid know Cyndaquil can control his ability to evolve...I mean minus
a bit of random weakening... Cyndaquil isn't ready to fight that
way...yet he thought to himself before grabbing his starter and
walking away from the others.
"Hmm, well time to leave." Gale went to the control room to start
up the ship's engine with Mr.Anonymous. "Hopefully N won't be too
mad at us for being so late."
Tiger over heard Ivan before walking away. You will show
him... he thought to himself before yelling over his shoulder
"I recommend you stop trying to quarrel with people who might be
fighting for survival, or will possibily be saving your life" he
said to Ivan as he walked away Why did N choose him he's
a bit stuck up for a trainer... he thought to himself before
heading Gale. "I'm sure N will be fine" he said uncertainty.
Tiger sighed and cyndaquil shook his head once more before
whispering into the boy's ear. "Yeah you're right Cyndaquil. He's
not worth it" the boy said softly.
"Does it count for predicting the future if I say those two are not
gonna get along well?" Gale asked Shelgon. Shelgon shook his head.
"At this rate we will make it by noon"
Tiger shrugged before wiping some water off with his hand. "No..you
don't need to tell the future on that one" he said lowly. The boy
then looked at Cyndaquil who was looking mad at being wet. Tiger
then returned his pokemon "my Cyndaquil just has an ability that I
don't want him using in battle yet" he explained simply and sighed.
"This travel has been such a pain" Gale said to herself "What
exactly do you want us to do against kyurem,N." Shelgon walked up
next to Gale and she patted him softly "What are a bunch of kids to
do against a legendary Pokemon?"
Tiger walked back outside with dry clothes on. He then looked over
and sighed as he heard Gale. "I'm not sure...but Cyndaquil and I
battled legends before...maybe we can figure out how to defeat
kyurem now..." He said half to himself.
"Hmm, we will see about that" Then Gale begun talking just to
herself in her mind, this is going to be harder than what
happened with Team Plasma now that the threat of kyurem has his own
will to freeze everything. She then went back to the control
room to see if they could go any faster.
(it's ok. Tiger and Cyndaquil fought Abo, while Ivan was being
rude, which made Tiger go into a bad mood. We haven't gotten to
Unova yet, and that's about it)
(Alright. So we're still on the boat?)
Amber walked onto the deck, and looked at the ocean and sighed. It
was feeling a little bit more chilly, so they were probably getting
closer to Unova.