Forum Thread
Aka´s Item and Pokemon shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Aka´s Item and Pokemon shopMy Name is Akarui and if you want to buy some items please follow theese simple rules:

* all PH-Rules apply
* leave: your name, your wish & your payment method:

* be polite and patient
*NEVER send your money or payment before I gave the okay for the trade! I may have some buissines to do or I am on the phone and maybe won´t get your message and don´t know you sent a payment
If you don't follow these rules, your order will be ignored and payment not send back completely!
I am from Germany, so I have a different time than most of you, so please don´t spam. I try to Keep you informed as fast as possible if I am out of items or have new ones :)
I am sharing this shop with YoruKuro

My Stock:




Palpad for questions about the amount!

Easy Pokemon: 250

Medium Pokemon: 1k

Hard Pokemon: 2,5k

Starter Pokemon: 2k/6k

Rare Pokemon: 4k

Special Pokemon: 4k

Event Pokemon: 25k

Mysterious Pokemon: 20k

Lugia: 20k

Celebi: 20k

Raikou: 45k

Entei: 105k

Suicune: 70k

Mewton M. Meowth: 25k

Raylong: 100k


Retro Starter Gen1: 30k

Tentacool (Retro): 30k

Retro´s Gen2: 3k

Easy Pokemon: 100k

Medium Pokemon: 205k

Hard Pokemon: 300k

Starter Pokemon: 300k/450k

Rare Pokemon: 350k

Special Pokemon: 350k

Combe (Male): 300k

Retro´s Gen2: 300k

Megaable Hunts:

Title: Guide

Please keep in mind you can only send 50 nuggets or more!


I am no robot! I do have a life in this stupid, pokemon-free world, wich is sad, but I do have one^^. That means, it can happen you order something but it is already sold out. But since I don´t have time all day there may be times I won´t update this shop soo regulary. Same goes for gems. If I sell most of them, I may not sell any further gems because..there is no use in selling 1-3 gems. You can text me and I will tell you IF and HOW many I have. If I only have a little amount of gems I will text you when there are more gems of your wish.
the Stock-list of pokemon:

to the pokemon.
Of course I do NOT sell only the pokemon next to the price. These are the prices for all pokemon from this rarity! I will try to get the pokemon for you if you order one, breed you one, or start a shiny hunt for you. That´s why the prices may be a bit higer for the shinies in the auction house. I make a hunt only for you, so it is a lot of time and work I invest to fulfill your wishes ;)
Same goes here for the mega hunts. I will hunt a mega-able for you and text you when your order is ready.
Shops blocklist
If you have any more questions feel free to palpad me! :) I will try to help you.
And if you palpad me or post here in the forum I will be nice and go lower with the prices.
This is NOT for sure!! There is no guarantee I will make cheaper prices if you ask for.
I hope this helps you a bit with my shop :) Til then!

palpad an offer ;)
Sorry, I don't have fire gems..
since the Halloween Event started I am going to break my shiny chain to get all the cute Event pokemon. But after that I am planning on shiny hunting another pokemon :) Maybe it could be torchic? Maybe eevee? Or any other pokemon except Starters I don´t have female ones or legendary pokemon^^. I am even thinking about shiny misdreavous teddiursas^^. What would you like to see and maybe buy from me? leave it in the comments or palpad me!
* Your wishes - soothe bell
* How do you want to pay - 7000 pd
