Forum Thread
Hidden Academy
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Hidden AcademyShe sighed, staring at a calico she-cat that stepped in front of her path. "Why hello little one!" She said, holding her hand out for the cat to sniff before petting her. The cat purred, arching its back slightly. "Are you lost?" Matruci asked, rubbing it behind the ear.
She picked up the cat, looking for evidence of it being spayed or having a collar. She found none. "I haven't seen any missing cat posters..." The cat let out a mew, and Matruci chuckled, petting the cat with one finger under the chin. It seemed a little thin, about eleven months old. "I'm sure you're just a stray, a cat owner usually wouldn't let its cat get thin, and if they did, it'd be really malnourished."
Nickname: Jax
Age: 18
Gender: Male

(Can we say that he was injured fighting with the Uni? He also has an ice blue shirt when not fighting.)
Personality: Outgoing but has a temper. If you mess wth some one he cares about, you better watch out.
Crush: none.
Other:looks cool :)
Nickname: Blue
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Azure is Caring and warm person, But He is too confident. He Loves Music and the Arts and the color Blue - No need to know why. And he's the person who'll make you happy. And he is easily persuaded.
Crush: I Have No Idea
Other: He Loves Cold Drinks and Foods