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Space Witch Diary

Forum-Index Diaries Space Witch Diary
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 20:42 (8 Years ago)
I guess I might as well write a diary on here. I'll probably mostly write while I wait for eggs to hatch.

Mostly me rambling on and on about something and I don't expect to stay on a topic pretty well, so that's something.
Never was there a rewind button so

We'll all believe in you this time...

And sleep

Just sleep

And dream

Just dream

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 20:56 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 1

Well here we are. I guess I should make this an introduction to my "diary" since I did a pretty awful job of that in the base post.

This is the diary I'll be writing in since I have not much else to do while waiting for eggs to hatch, auctions to time down and all that business. I'll probably have rants and rambles about most Pokemon-related things, like ideas and whatnot. Those will probably be okay reads. (If anyone is reading this)

May as well put a little self introduction here, too.

Hi! I'm Witch_of_Space, like Jade Harley's god tier. You can call me pretty much anything you want. I'm not really picky.
My favorite non-legendary Pokemon are Zorua/Zoroark, Greninja, Gengar, and Espeon.
My favorite Legendary is Lugia. Just Lugia.
My favorite regions are the Unova and Sinnoh regions.
And I can't think of anything else soooooo..... I guess I'll end this here.
Never was there a rewind button so

We'll all believe in you this time...

And sleep

Just sleep

And dream

Just dream

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 20:47 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 2

Well I'm making another entry in here, so...

I gues here I'll talk about my Pokemon story and experiences.

I've been into Pokemon for as long as I can remember. There isn't a day in my sixteen years of existence I can remember that doesn't have Pokemon in it in some form.
I only watched the show when I could catch it, though. I didn't know there were Pokemon games until my brother got Pearl. Then all I wanted was a Pokemon game of my own, to have my own Pokemon and go on a journey.

My wish was granted at about eight or nine, when I received a copy of Pokemon Diamond. And I was in love. I played for hours, exploring the Sinnoh and standing against Team Galactic, my loyal Pokemon at my side. I, for the first time in my life, was a hero.

As off as it is, I still remember everything about my starter, who never left my team. It was always the first Pokemon I sent into battle.
Piplup. Male. Jolly-natured and likes spicy food. Most appealing contest characteristic- cuteness.

Man, it seems like so long ago. I should stop my origin rambling before I get too sentimental. I'll tell anyone who's reading this more later.

Anyway, here I am. Still trying to hatch those eggs. It takes forever.

Well... I might make a new entry later, like an Entry 2.5 thing.
Never was there a rewind button so

We'll all believe in you this time...

And sleep

Just sleep

And dream

Just dream

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 23:52 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 3

I joined a role play on here just yonder how it goes. It should be interesting.

Anyways, I'm not sure what all to write about in here.... I don't want it to be too personal but I'm not just keeping a log.

Whatever I suppose.

I guess I'll Just.... Ramble.

So... I'll probably make a new part to this later.
After a possible nap and homework.
Never was there a rewind button so

We'll all believe in you this time...

And sleep

Just sleep

And dream

Just dream

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 14/11/2016 17:53 (8 Years ago)

Title: Entry 4

It has certainly been a long while since I wrote in here, and I figured I may as well, since I thought anyone who reads this might be interested in doing so.

In the last few weeks, my friends and I have been filling our time waiting for the new Pokemon games by doing Multi Battles in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby. Since there's only three of us we have to hope random passerby accept our battle requests, and someone has to team up with them.

I have been working on making solid teams of three that can both support and stand alone, as we tend to gang up on only one opponent and leave the other nearly defenseless. It has been pretty hard to combinations that work effectively, and when I am teamed up with the random person, it becomes hard to use some of my Pokemon to the greatest advantage.

Recently, though, I have decided to make a full team that I can break up into little combinations revolving around a Mega Gengar set. Neither of them have fought the full team yet, and I know it's a little late to be training an all-new team, what with the new game coming out this week? I know it seems like a pretty bad idea, and lots of people are probably trying to breed good pokemon for their new teams, but I am not too worried. I can transfer this team and have them ready for the new region, and hopefully I can use them later, too.

Either way, the struggle and work of building the new team is keeping me busy enough for the week.

I don't have much else to write about, but if I do end up writing again here, you'll know.
Never was there a rewind button so

We'll all believe in you this time...

And sleep

Just sleep

And dream

Just dream

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 01/05/2017 17:15 (7 Years ago)

Title: Entry 5

I realize it's been a long while since I last wrote in this diary, as it's been a while since I started using this site regularly. Reading through the previous entries feels less than flattering, but no use in dwelling on what I wrote a long time ago. Leaving them up can help me when I feel like I'm making no progress is what I've been doing with writing.
I probably should have been writing it it more, as I feel the change in how my writing sound seems too large now.

This may be because of the English class I have been taking this school year. It wasn't one I signed up for, which as you would suspect would make me angry, and I am. I'm really upset about it. But... I guess that can't be undone, either.
I just feel like I write oddly right now. My voice and tone are probably too varied, too... Something for someone to actually want to read. What is that something? I don't know that, either.

Perhaps I am just overly stressed? It's been a tough year for my family and I. Our landlord kicked us out of our house and we have been having trouble getting a new one. We've been looking for one since the first of January, and we have had no luck. Everyone is turning us down.
It wasn't even for a good reason that he kicked us out, either. He just a didn't really like us. He harassed us, walking into the property without notice. He made h reasonable demands and then blamed us. And all he did was complain. It hadn't started until my mother, siblings and I moved in. He's just had it out for us.
But... I don't want this to be some sort of sob story.
But just ranting a little feels better.

To occupy my time, I have been burying myself in my hobbies. My art and music and games. They've been wonderful. I've learned so much about music in the months that I have been in choir and it's done wonders for my voice and my singing, even if sickness has weakened my voice. I'll have to start working at getting it back.

My Mega Gengar team is coming along well, too. On Moon, I have gotten my Gengar trained up, and I'm working on picking some teammates for her.
My practice battles while I still had Internet were going well. Though... The other Pokemon on the team with her usually had everything under control and I never had to use her! ^^; haha.. But I think I have a good team going so far.
Maybe I'll write about it later.

Well, I should quite writing for now. Maybe I'll post again before the day is over.
See you later.
Never was there a rewind button so

We'll all believe in you this time...

And sleep

Just sleep

And dream

Just dream