Forum Thread
SteppyPant's Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → SteppyPant's DiaryOh look! Cute sprites appeared! (Credit to Kitsu~Chan for both)

Okay so more about me~

Age: 22
Birthday: November 28th
Occupation: Avon Canada Representative
Relationship status: Forever alone
Birthday: November 28th
Occupation: Avon Canada Representative
Relationship status: Forever alone
Stuff I like to do~

Waste time on PH (duh)
Drink tea (mostly black)
Watch anime (especially magical girl)
Shop (so girly eh?)
Wear makeup (for fun, I see it as art and not a necessity to make me look better)
Play video games (old school mostly)
Drink tea (mostly black)
Watch anime (especially magical girl)
Shop (so girly eh?)
Wear makeup (for fun, I see it as art and not a necessity to make me look better)
Play video games (old school mostly)
List of random favourites~

Favourite Pokemon: Fennekin, Purrloin,
Glameow, Shinx, Skitty, Vulpix, Phanpy and Amaura
Favourite Gen: 2/Johto
Favourite season: Fall
Favourite weather: rain or snow (not at the same time oml what a mess x.x)
Favourite tea: Loose leaf Earl Grey from DAVIDsTEA
Favourite animes: AIR, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody, Death Note and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Favourite tv shows: Once Upon a Time, Gotham and The Walking Dead
Favourite video games: Alice: Madness Returns, Sonic, Donkey Kong Country and Spyro
Favourite gaming console: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Favourite manga: Sugar Sugar Rune
Favourite book series: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (basically anything done by Bryan Lee O'Malley)
Favourite youtuber: Jacksepticeye
(more to be added)
Favourite Gen: 2/Johto
Favourite season: Fall
Favourite weather: rain or snow (not at the same time oml what a mess x.x)
Favourite tea: Loose leaf Earl Grey from DAVIDsTEA
Favourite animes: AIR, Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody, Death Note and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Favourite tv shows: Once Upon a Time, Gotham and The Walking Dead
Favourite video games: Alice: Madness Returns, Sonic, Donkey Kong Country and Spyro
Favourite gaming console: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Favourite manga: Sugar Sugar Rune
Favourite book series: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (basically anything done by Bryan Lee O'Malley)
Favourite youtuber: Jacksepticeye
(more to be added)
My Pokesona~