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Skeptic's really stupid PH adventure!

Forum-Index Diaries Skeptic's really stupid PH adventure!
Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 22:50 (8 Years ago)
Today, on 23-8-16 I just got the biggest auction deals ever... I got a 3 pokemon for 2 pokedollars each because of the person putting 1 as the starting bid and I had a load of money. I chose to buy a Gyradose for randomness for 500, and then saw three more trades, payed 32 for all of them.

Now I feel bad because I got level 30 pokemon for 6 pokedollars total.

Life lesson? Don't ever put low start bids... EVER, or I will steal them, I always bid for low things.