"Ah I seen one of your Vidoes before. Not bad if i say so myself."
Thana said.
Marx sent out an Eevee while Nick sent out Charmander. "Flare lets
teach this guy a thing or too." He said. "A Charmander. Nice choice
of pokemon." Marx said but smirked. "Does it have the fighting
experince to beat my Eevee, my little Darkness." He asked and Nick
glared. "Flare use Flamethrower!" He growled under his breathe.
Thana nodded and smiled. "So i guess some of your pokemon like
battles." she said.
Nick finished off the Eevee like it was nothing. He noticed that
Marx ran to Eevee and picked it up. "You did good my little
Darkness." He heard him say before returning the Pokemon to its
Pokeball. "I guess its time to stop playing." He said looking at
"Seems Marx was just warming up with Eevee." Thana said as she saw
him bring out a Vapereon.
"Splash use Surf before he can take his Charmander out of the
battle." Marx said lowly knowing his pokemon could hear him. Not
long after that Flare was on the floor, fainted.
"Your just like them all. all the arrogant stars in the world."
Nick said as he went to get his Charmander. "im not like them. I
care for pokemon more than you think. I take being a trainer to
heart. I even have a code that would put trainers such as you, who
think people that are like me to be arrogant, yes some are but not
all of them." Marx said calmly.
"Surskit clam down." Vera said laughing. She then heard what Nick
said. It really hurt her to think thats the impression of famous
stars. Not everyone was like that. Not her. At least she hoped so.
Thana rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, Vera. Marx will teach this
Nick kid that not all known stars are arrogant jerks. Marx isn't
like that. I knew him since I was a child." She said giving Vera a
soft hearted smile.
Nick glared at Marx. "Maybe not all but your one of the ones that
are!" He shouted as he sent out Swellow. "Flyer use peck
repeatedly." He said to flyer. Flyer did but Splash dodged ever
attack. "Don't let anger for those that treated you less than you
are cloud your judgement of others." Marx said watching Nick
Marx have a sad smile when Nick refused to beleive what he
said."Splash finish Swellow with aquajet." He said which took
Swellow out with ease. Nick was mad. He ran to catch flyer. Once he
caught flyer he glared at Marx.
Surskit soon fell asleep so Vera returned her to her Pokeball. Vera
sighed and got out her phone so she could rant to her fans on
Pidgeoter (Twitter. Don't ask.)
Thana looked at Vera with some confusion but didnt ask.
Nick put Flyer back into his ball. He then let out Pikachu. "Volt
use ectoball." He said and it hit Vapereon. The Vapereon fainted
and Marx ran to it. "You did good Splash. Take a good rest." He
said as he reutned Splash to his Pokeball. "You still dont get it
do you, boy. Your using your hatred for people that are famous. you
had almost killed Splash. He was my first Pokemon when i started as
a trainger before becoming famous." He said because Splash did
almost die thats why he had to be quick and return him to the Heal
ball he used for all his pokemon now.
Vera looked up and frowned. "Nick calm down. Its just a gym battle.
Don't hurt the pokemon. Its not their fault your angry and you
think what you think!" Vera yelled.
Nick looked up at Vera. He looked away feeling ashamed he hurt a
pokemon. Marx wasnt too happy at the moment. "Listen kid. You may
have had some issues with famous people but dont take it out on all
of us as well as our pokemon. This isnt a battle to the death for
us nor our Pokemon. If you got a personal issue with me take up
with me. We will be able to talk it out." He said as he sent out
and Onyx. "Rocko use dig." He said simple and the Onyx dug into the
"If Nick here beats the Gym here not only wwill he get a badge to
prove it he will get a free meal got himself and others." Thana
stated because Marx told her how he planned to run the food place
and Gym.
"That sounds like fun." Vera said. She put her phone away. Nick
looked like he felt bad and he had calmed down a bit. She was glad.
Who knew what else he was capable of.
"Volt keep your gaurd up!" Nick said and Volt kept concentrated on
his surrounds both below the ground and above. Volt dodged the
attack and went to use Iron Tail without needing to be told. Rocko
used rock tomb without being needed to be told. Volt had fainted.
"You did good Volt take a nice rest." Nick said as Rocko went near
Marx who gave him attention. "Good job, Rocko." Marx said with a
small smile on his face.
"Yea it is. though i think i got a better set up with Marx." Thana
said with a small laugh.
Vera chuckled. She pulled out a cherry lollipop and put it in her
mouth. "They help me think. No idea how or why so I just roll with
it." Vera said. She pulled out her phone and decided to keep it out
so she could do her last vlog after the battle.
Thana nodded and chuckled. She noticed Shade came up to her and she
nodded. She put the rest in their Pokeballs. Except Shade of
"Come out Water Demon!" Nick said as he brought out a Vapereon.
"Use Surf!" He yelled. It then Hit Onyx defeating him. "Looks like
I won." Nick said as Marx returned Rocko to his pokeball.