Forum Thread
The Haunted Castle RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Haunted Castle RP"Areeee yoouuuuu okayyyyy Misterrrr?" It asked.
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Sharing this entire message will also give you a ticket (One share per person)
The rescuer blinked, then laughed. "Assassin? What are you talkin' about, Miss? This little Vulpix, Adan, right? Yeah, she just spoke. Not like she's a mute or anythin'. Foun' 'er in da woods." He said with a light accent from the West.
Adan opened her eyes slowly, blinking.
"Y-yeah...I'm" She muttered.
(dun Dun DUUUUUN)
"Sweetie what happened? Last time i saw you, you ran for the garden to play." She said then looked at the mystirous pokemon.
"Thank you for finding her." She said.
"I don't really know. I just blacked out and found myself in the strange woods." She murmured, still staring into space.