Forum Thread
The Haunted Castle RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Haunted Castle RP(Bye)
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Both of the Jaden claimers were wandering around.
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"I'll bring you." The previous guard said, leading her to an arena. "You cal practice your skills on our fighter, Mace."
A Lucario sat there. He looked up.
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"Um... Hello Mace" Said Niomi a bit nervously "It's nice to meet you my name's Niomi" She then looked at the guard "Thank you very much for your help Jordan"she gave him a smile and slightly blushed. Then quickly turned away. She pulled a serious face and said "I guess this is it... Win it or lose it" she looked at Lucario "You ready to practice?" She gave him a smirk and then jumped closer to him.
"You're welcome. I'll stand by in case something happens."
(God I forgot Jordans name for a moment XD)
"Yes. You move first." Mace said.