Forum Thread
The Haunted Castle RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Haunted Castle RP"Dont bother with it. And yes Im a princess nothing too big." Thana said rolling her eyes then lead the two into the throne room where she was almost hit with a thunderbolt from her father but she easily dodged it.
Adan turned to the fake Thana. "I wanna explore!" She thought.
"Now father is that a way to great your daughter?" Thana said and the Jolteon looked ticked.
"First your stupid clone brings a Vulpix and now you bring another Umbreon and a Zoroack to my home? You clearly forgot we disowned you." The jolteon said and thana only rolled her eyes.
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Adan smiled, and trotted forward.
"As you can tell this place if big and lovely." She commented.
Thana glanced back at the two not completely amused before looking at her father.
"You may not be open minded like mother slightly is with me being an Umbreon but there is much we must talk about. Like for one we may have an assassin within or outside of the castle." She said and her father jumped up going to her.
"You lead an assassin here when we already have issues!? Your stupid girl! I want you, the clone of you, that stupid child, and those Pokemon out of my kingdom now!" The Jolteon basically yelled at Thana but she didn't flinch.
"This is also my kingdom, father, and I can do what I please and bring any Pokemon I want. So you get over it. Now I must find mother and let her know." She said then left the throne room. She didn't care of the two Jayden's stayed behind with a angered Jolteon she knew they can take care of themselves.
'I hope Zennith is ok. Wherever he is.' She thought.
The Zoroark shuffled on his feet.
The Umbreon ignored everything.
Adan bounced into a bush.
"You both seem close to my useless daughter. Why don't you stick close to her. Leave my sight!" The Jolteon growled.
Thana walked to the door that lead outside seeing her mother watch her clone and Adan.
"Seems you have taken a liking to my adopted daughter, mother." She commented and her mom nodded.
The fake Thana laughed as she watched Adan. She then saw a weedle close to Adan.
The Zoroark stared hardly at him.
Adan sniffed, and walked over to the Weedle, wagging her tails.
The Umbreon left.
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"I see your having fun." She said with a smile, much like her clones, as the weedle made a happy noise and moved around Adan.
The king of Eeveelution wasn't happy that his daughter has returned fully.
im gonna be gone for a little while
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The Umbreon was watching them. "Nice to see Adan's doing good." He noted.
Adan turned to him, cocking her head. Who was this? He looked kinda familiar.