Forum Thread
1x1 With Kay_the_Typhlosion (Closed)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 With Kay_the_Typhlosion (Closed)"I'm fine.."
Tumble ran away, turned to Ghost, and his eyes went black.
He screamed and dark magic surrounded him.
Abby got scared.
"Tumble, what's wrong with you?!"
She went outside, and simply whistled.
An Abra came rushing to the door.
"Abby, what's wrong?!"
She started to cry.
"Frankie...something's wrong with Tumble...could you look at him please?"
Frankie nodded and grabbed Tumble by the scruff of his neck, which calmed him down.
He let go, and he immediately got up, and magic surrounded him again, and he growled at Frankie.
Frankie grabbed him again, and looked into his mind.
He looked at Abby with tears.
Abby wiped her eyes.
"Tell me.."
Frankie didn't let go of Tumble.
"Your boy....has psychopathic traits...he doesn't have a lot of sanity...he gets endorphin rushes from causing pain for others...has he hurt anyone at all?"
Rumble spoke up.
"Tumble has hurt me a few times..what's the matter with my brother?"
Frankie looked at Rumble.
"It looks like your brother likes hurting others, sweetie.."
Abby fell to her knees and broke down.
We can not have a Psycho pathetic child in our mists.... Im afraid im going to have to take drastic measures....
*Kneels down to Abby*
He has to be sent to the.... Insane Asylum.... But not a normal one..... He has go be sent.... To Giratina....
Frankie handed Tumble to Ghost.
"Hold him here, tightly, to keep him calm."
He turned to Abby.
"I'm sorry, but he's right. There's no other option for him..."
Abby screamed.
All the kids ran to Frankie, and Axle crawled.
"Where's Tumble gonna go, Mister?"
Frankie looked down.
"Your brother needs to go to a special hospital, little ones. Be sure to say goodbye to him."
I will take him personally.... If anybody else goes.... They won't return alive... Giratina and me have a past... But she understands me....
*Looks at the Abra*
We can set off when your ready
*Holds Abby, and crys*
I know Abby... But we have no other choice.... We've run out of options...
He's my nephew... And, i know this is going to change him... But, it will be better if hes away from everyone that he can hurt... Giratina knows how to solve this... But... The time it will take, we may never see him until hes a adult...
*Sighs and gets stuff ready for Tumble*
Kids, say good bye to your brother... Hes going off to a special place that he needs to be at to become better...
They all said their goodbyes, and they were all crying.
Axle crawled up to him, and leaned close to him.
Frankie tightened his grip.
Axle gently kissed Tumble on the forehead.
"Love you, bruder....."
Frankie got up and looked at Ty.
"We should get going...just a couple seconds.."
He walked to Abby and Ghost.
*Puts and holds his head against tumbles*
Daddy always loves your Tumble, remember that for me alright? This is for your own good understand? I will send Ty to visit you when we can, i love you okay?
*Kisses his forehead*
When your ready, we can go
Frankie took Tumble back.
"We need to go now..."
Abby buried her face into Ghost as Frankie, Tumble and Ty slowly walked out the door...
*Writing in his journal*
Its been 15 years today since we've seen Tumble.... Not a day goes by that i don't miss him... Heh, but with my old age, i doubt he will remeber me, from what i have heard from Ty, Gira has been on him, and hes finally cured....
*Busts into the house*
Guys! I have excellent news!
"Is he coming home?!"
The rest of them came running down the stairs.
"Oh my gosh, is he actually cured?!"
"I've missed him so much!"
"I can't wait to hug him!"
Abby came downstairs with happy tears.
"Is he ready to come home..?"