Forum Thread
1x1 With Kay_the_Typhlosion (Closed)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 With Kay_the_Typhlosion (Closed)She took one leg, put it on his chest, and pushed on it.
Her foot fit perfectly over his chest.
*Cough, Cough, Cough!*
Axle threw up the water in his lungs.
Xena layed him down because not all the water was out, and she started compressions.
With each pump, Axle spit out water.
Soon, all the water was out, and Xena took her foot off to see if he'd breathe on his own.
She curled her neck down and held her stomach.
She looked at Harold.
Harold panicked and called out to all other Togekiss in the area.
He gathered everyone and the other Togekiss arrived.
He looked at CB.
CB nodded.
"Xena's almost gone into labor. We need to get home."
Xena yelled from the pain, and Harold picked her up.
He told the other Togekiss to grab everyone else and follow him.
They made their way to the house, not leaving anyone behind.
//Late in the evening\\
4 beautiful new babies filled the house with joy.
2 Chikorita, 2 Togepi, one male one female for each type.
The kids looked over the babies and fell in love.
Dreemur walked to Xena and hugged her.
"You're a great mama, Xena!"
Xena smiled.
Harold looked over his new children with pride.
CB was smiling and laughing with Aqua.
Harold flew over to Ty, Allura and Al and brought them to the living room.
Abby pulled the kids back.
"Let grandma, grandpa and Uncle Ty see them."
Allura instantly got happy tears from the sight.
So did Al.
"Xena...can I...please.....hold one..?"
Xena nodded.
"Go get the one you want to hold, sweetie."
Spirit thanked Xena and picked up the female Chikorita.
The Chikorita smiled.
Spirit carefully sat down with the baby and let her touch her scales.
"They feel funny, huh, Palm?"
Abby looked at Spirit.
"What did you call her Hun?"
Spirit looked up.
"She looks like a palm tree. I want her name to be Palm."
Xena walked over and smiled.
"That's a wonderful name. Palm."
Rumble was crying and her nose was bleeding.
Abby saw Tumble hiding behind the post in the hall.
"Get over here now."
*Stern mom voice*
Tumble slowly walked into the living room and saw Ghost.
He lowered his ears.