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1x1 With Kay_the_Typhlosion (Closed)
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Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 12:33 (8 Years ago)
Congratulations Xena, i know you will be a wonderful Father Harold,
and you will show your children the righr path
*Gets up, and goes to CB*
Hey sweetie
*Puts his belt back on*
Where is Allura and Al anyways?
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 12:37 (8 Years ago)
Abby turned around.
"I thought they were right behind us..."
She walked a bit back, and over the hill.
At the bottom, was Al and Allura.
Abby ran down to find her mother lying on the ground.
"I thought Parasect fixed her?!"
She screamed.
Al was crying, and had his wings covering Allura.
"I don't know what happened, baby girl...."
Abby yelled up.
CB ran down the hill.
Love and Hugs <3
Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 12:42 (8 Years ago)
*Holds the kids*
*Comes running, an listens to heart*
Its still beating...
*Looks at Al, with the same eyes that Ghost did when he spit his
soul with Abby*
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 12:47 (8 Years ago)
Abby pulled Ty away.
"No, Ty....she has dementia...she won't recognize herself..."
Love and Hugs <3
Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 12:51 (8 Years ago)
This will save her, soul slitting, or being reborn will take away
any illness that that she is facing.... I have nothing left....
Yuki left me...
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 12:53 (8 Years ago)
Abby shook her head as tears filled her eyes.
"You have us..."
A few distant voices called out.
"Uncle Ty!"
Love and Hugs <3
Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 12:56 (8 Years ago)
*Looks over at the voices*
Im willing to half my.soul, to save that of another, i want to do
this, for everyone, please? Typhlosion Soul Splitting is safer than
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:01 (8 Years ago)
Abby lowered her ears.
Love and Hugs <3
Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:02 (8 Years ago)
*Looks at Abby, half his fur white, and half pink*
Its already done, abby, see that wasnt so bad, just get her some
*Alluras fur changes to a slight pink with black tips*
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:24 (8 Years ago)
Abby got up and went back to the group.
Love and Hugs <3
Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:26 (8 Years ago)
*Smiles at Al*
Hey... You don't mind if i can you dad do you?
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:27 (8 Years ago)
Al shook his head and smiled.
Love and Hugs <3
Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:27 (8 Years ago)
Thank you dad, heh... I wonder how momma is gonna like the color
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:30 (8 Years ago)
Al shrugged.
'I don't know."
Abby returned with water.
Love and Hugs <3
Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:31 (8 Years ago)
*Helps sit her up*
Allura, hey Allura can you wake up?
*Playing with the kids*
*Asleep with CB*
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:33 (8 Years ago)
Allura rubbed her head.
"Wh--what happened..?"
Love and Hugs <3
Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:34 (8 Years ago)
Well, im assuming you passed out from not eating breakfast and
slght dehydration, after that, to keep your heart beating, i split
my soul with you
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:34 (8 Years ago)
Allura looked at Ty and smiled.
"Thank you..."
Love and Hugs <3
Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 13:35 (8 Years ago)
Oh, hey look at you new fur color
*Grabs a little mirror from his satchel*
I love my new color
Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 23/08/2016 21:55 (8 Years ago)
Allura smiled at the sight of her new fur.
"Wow, I look really nice!"
Al smirked.
"Certainly gave me a bit of spring..heh."
Love and Hugs <3