Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → OvercastName: Algernon Gold Clemons-Black
Nickname: He prefers Algernon, but those especially close to him call him Algie
Gender: Male
Age: 15

Personality: Algernon enjoys trickery, tomfoolery, and pranks. He is openly casual and surprisingly well learned. He is an opportunist and a fantastic actor. However, while easy-going and relatively open on the surface, he tends to be very closed about his personal life, and when confronted goes from laid-back to aloof in a matter of seconds.
Friends: n/a
Family: A single mother, Rosellen Clemons-Black
Crush/Girlfriend/Boyfriend: n/a
Powers: Imp Physiology (Specifically; enhanced durability and speed, fire immunity, a prehensile tail, wings, claws, sharp teeth, and fire breath.)
Theme song: Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys
"I'm going out," he said gently, looking up through his bangs at her. His mother paused, then sighed.
"I suppose... Please take a raincoat and umbrella, alright? Take several umbrellas. And provisions. I don't want you getting hungry. It's almost dinner, too. Take several changes of clothes, and extra socks-" Algernon lightly placed his hand on his mother's shoulder.
"I know. Get some rest." He stood on his tip-toes and kissed her cheek, then hurried off to gather supplies. When he was finished, he had donned a thick black jacket and a substantial backpack. A vivid red ribbon had been tied around his collar and an extra umbrella had been taped to his sack. He opened the front door, and then the umbrella, before stepping out into the rain.
"Goodbye, Algie! Come back soon," his mother called as he closed the door.
Once the solid door was between him and his mother, he sighed deeply. "Goodbye. I love you," he murmured before turning and trotting out into the rain, eyes wide and barbed tail swishing. He knew that there were underground tunnels nearby, and that those would likely provide the most protection for magical teens, and therefore the largest group would have congregated there. He hummed a tuneless song as he quickly marched through the rain, skirting around puddles and potholes, until he finally saw other people. Two teenage girls were traveling in the direction of a tunnel entrance, and Algernon presumed that they were making their way to the same place as he. With a quick glance, he verified that his umbrella wasn't critically damaged, and continued his trek towards the girls. "Excuse me!" He called, a small smile taking over his face. "Would you two happen to be traveling towards the tunnels?" Goodness, he hoped that his horns wouldn't startle them. Especially if they had powers; he wasn't quite sure how well he could handle himself in a fight, especially under acid rain.
(( Sorry for such an excessively long post! Also, I changed his age from 13 to 15, whoops. ))