"What do you want?"Sapphire told Holly."I would like chopped up
oran berries with honey and lemonade."Holly told Sapphire."Ok
then."Sapphire got up and went to the lunch lady."What can i get
for you?"She said."I would like,Chopped up oran berries with honey
and lemonade,And Cold berry soup with a soda pop."
"That would be 40 pokedollars for the soda pop."Sapphie tooked out
40 pokedollars from her money stash."Here you go."Sapphire gave it
to her."Thank you and here."She gave the dinner to sapphire."Have a
good day mam!"Sapphire told her before sitting down.
Alexander forgot about dinner. He walked alone in the forest, until
he noticed he was lost.
"First I get stuck in a hole, and now a dark forest? Oh, I'm really
going to die this time..."
(sorry for vanishing)