Bandit wakes up and trys to stand. he manages to stand. He picks
Twilight up gentally and started to walk out the base "I will just
make sure she is on the boat..... I might as well ask her friends
if there is anything she will need..... I am hoping she likes my
island before it is gone.....".
Bandit looks for one of the guys real quick "Maybe I should invite
them so they don't worry. it would be like over 100 people related
to me and on my side...... it could sorry a guy.".
she yawned a little and rubbed her eye's, looking around
twilight looked at the ground and then at bandit, her face flushing
a bright red.
''p-put me down...!'' she yelped, stammering a bit.
Bandit does so "sorry. I was going to bring you to the boat so you
could rest a bit longer while I got the guys to help pack for a
nice day on my island. also was going to invite them. I did not
mean to wake you." Bandit blushes a lot.
''i only took a nap, you could have just woken me up.... but just
leave the guy's be, they'll enjoy the time away from me after i
kinda beat the one up.. so let's just go, i have the walkie talkie
in case i need to have them come get me'' twilight said.
Bandit calms down "We better hurry. I bet my mom is worried sick
about me! I bet the whole island is by now!" Bandit picks Twilight
up and rushes to the boat. when he gets there it shockingly not as
big as he made it out to be. He puts her down on a seat "sorry for
picking you up.".
Bandit nods and looks ready to cry "sorry! I am just super excited
to see my island with a friend from another!" Bandit starts up the
boat and starts to sail to his island. a slight sent of smoke is in
the air going there.
twilight leaped off the boat and started running on a light
platform she created to get there a bit quicker.
she collected a large scoop and collected water as she went and
sped up a bit.
she made it to land and sent the water flying into the air, letting
the water rain down over the water.
twilight pulled a red orb out of the pouch on her belt and held it
up, letting it cast it's light all over the island and send the
enemies away from the island.