Forum Thread
Latias Diary! Vol 2
Forum-Index → Diaries → Latias Diary! Vol 2
Hi, Making a new Pokemon diary!So
these Pokemon diary's are just for fun to let you know, and if you
want to tell me something about the story, just pal pad me! So
basically no talking here. And the colored words are them talking
okay? Thats it for now, also hope you enjoy! And I hope You........
get a laugh maybe? Idk, anyways, Let me just GO! get it? Because
Pokemon Go?
4/19/2001 10:17 AM
I've just got a message from my friend Latios! He said he would be coming over for a bit this afternoon! I need to get ready! we're gonna have so much fun together!
Later that afternoon at 11:16 PM
Latios just called me and said he would be coming over right now! I have one more thing to do! I need to get the food ready for him! Well, and me of course.
Oh! Latios is here! Hey Latias! Long time no see! So hows it going since I messaged you? Well, I've been doing fine decides the part that I was rushing to get everything ready for you coming over here this afternoon which is right now. Latios then looked around my house seeing everything I've done just for him coming over. Wow Latias! you've worked you're self out just doing this ALL for me! I should have brung a few friends! Oh yeah! speaking of friends, I've made some new friends that are shiny! A shiny Latias, a shiny Latios, a shiny Eevee, and, a shiny Lugia! WOW LATIOS! You've met a Lugia!? Lugia is a LEGENDARY! And legendarys are extremely rare! You're one lucky Pokemon! I'm envying you right now!
Some time later
Bye Latias! Bye Latios! And with that, Latios left, I hope that I can see Lugia tomorrow! Meeting a shiny lugia would be super AWESOME!!!

The end of the first entry in Latias' diary.
Title: 4/20/2001 6:00 AM

Entry Number 2
Title: 6/12/2001 3:00 AM
I went to make breakfast and saw the shiny Eevee Hi there.... anything I can get for you? No thank you, have you seen Latios? The shiny Eevee was about to step on a hot stove that was somehow turned on so I picked it up No, sorry. I was about to go see Latios Okay.....