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Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup!
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Forum Games → Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup!
Forum Posts: 230
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 22:24 (9 Years ago)
You wont get out of meh soup so nope.
Waiter, Eeveelover123 is in my soup!

Never give up.
Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 00:36 (9 Years ago)
That's because I pushed her into it :D
Waiter, there's a fire stone in my soup!
Forum Posts: 307
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 00:48 (9 Years ago)
Gimme that! owo;
Waiter, there's a water stone in my soup!
Who's dropping stones
in my soup?!
"We must raise our hearts, not our voices. It is rain
that makes the flowers grow, not thunder." - The Breadwinner
Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 00:50 (9 Years ago)
It's stone soup :P
Waiter, tears are in my soup.
Forum Posts: 111
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 03:10 (9 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 19:22 (9 Years ago)
Would you prefer an Espeon?
Waiter, a notification is in my soup!
Forum Posts: 99
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 19:52 (9 Years ago)
Click it then?
Waiter! Get in my soup!
Forum Posts: 230
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 19:53 (9 Years ago)
*Eats soup and its bowl*

Never give up.
Forum Posts: 99
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 20:07 (9 Years ago)
Soup, there's a GemStoneCat in my Waiter!
Forum Posts: 307
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:13 (9 Years ago)
No, just no.
There's Joker in my soup! D:
"We must raise our hearts, not our voices. It is rain
that makes the flowers grow, not thunder." - The Breadwinner
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:25 (9 Years ago)
*Throws batman at the soup* Problem solved.
Waiter, Theres a invisa- Nevermind, my soup disappeared :,(
Forum Posts: 230
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:26 (9 Years ago)
GemStoneCat's Unaware!:I DONT CARE.
Waiter, im derping in my soup. XD

Never give up.
Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:31 (9 Years ago)
How is that...nevermind
Waiter, there's a magikarp using splash in my soup!

and i
was always tired but never of you
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:33 (9 Years ago)
*Throws a pokeball at the magikarp and catches it* done
Waiter, theres a bunch of eggs in my soup, and I didn't order eggs!
Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:34 (9 Years ago)
It's opposite day~
Waiter, theres a vocaloid drowning in my soup!

and i
was always tired but never of you
Forum Posts: 230
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:36 (9 Years ago)
*Throws master ball at it*Done and done!
Waiter, MooMooMalk is in my soup. -_-

Never give up.
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:38 (9 Years ago)
*Le shrug*
Waiter, there is a person's foot in my soup. and salad. GET OFF MY
TABLE =-=..
Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:39 (9 Years ago)
A FOOT... AND SOUP... IS DIS WITCHCRAFT? Oh well, ima have to
charge you extra for that. Or did you order a vegan soupy salad
They said i could do anything, so i protect the Absols. Then
became one of them.
~Made these on I'll make you one, just PM me for
Forum Posts: 230
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 22:42 (9 Years ago)
EEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!*Shudders in fear from marionettes*
Waiter, poop is in my soup.0_0

Never give up.
Forum Posts: 99
Posted: Sat, 09/05/2015 06:00 (9 Years ago)
You...DID order poopa soupa, right?
Waiter! My soup's a portal!