Juniper sat on the park bench, next to a random stranger. She
didn't care who it was, it comforted her to be around someone. She
was already stressed out from having to save the world.
Fallon sighed, watching the birds on the park bench. She had
nothing to do. Except save the world, but I need to find the
others. Maybe this girl next to me is one of the people. "Hi."
she finally said to the person sitting next to her.
"Oh... Hi!" Juniper replied.
(I never set a specific time when the RP starts, so I'm guessing rn
it's right after the message?)
After the two ate, Anchor leaned heavily on Frosty, tired.
"Jeez, buddy, you alright there?" Frosty asked, studying him.
The tired dog nodded, yawning as he climbed back onto Frosty's
back. The larger creature shrugged, his tail flicking as he
continued to walk.
It was strange he hadn't seen anyone.
Owls hooted in the distance, ominous and slightly spooky. He
suppressed a shiver, blue eyes darting around.
Fallon looked shocked. Juniper is way too impulsive... I guess I
should help out. she thought, running toward the forest.
Juniper used her power to 'teleport' around. Eventually she found a
furret. "Hi there!" she said. She realized there were two other
animals as well. "Woah... I don't even know what's going on...
(Accepted, although please add an appearance ASAP)
Name: Stella
Nickname: N/A
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: This without the ears and tail
Power: Shapeshifts into a galaxy patterned cat with glowing white
eyes at will, when she is a cat her instincts are like that of a
Personality: TBRP
Theme Song (optional): Nightcore - Uptown Funk
Meanwhile, Ren was walking around. He finally had time to
test out his fusion powers that their parents had. He was hoping to
be the perfect, and strongest fusion, even just for testing.
Although, he knew that fusion is stronger as the relationship was
stronger. When their parents fused, they looked exactly like Ren,
however when they fused with a friend, they got either one more set
of eyes or one more set of arms.
He really didin't know anyone like him, though- and his parents
told him countless times about the dangers when fusing. When
unfusing, you could either unfuse and unconect your body pieces,
you could get sickness that the other component has,