(Then, tell me, if she doesn't want to control them, and if you
don't want to control them either, why are you forcing yourself or
her to control the NPC chars? That makes no sense.)
there! if you'd like to learn more about me, go check my
(because its part of the RP. anyway, problem resolved i guess
Juniper 'teleported' onto the humanoid's head by accident. She
smashed it's face in. It disappeared like the one Renstella had
defeated. "Wow. Ok then," she said, 'teleporting' to Fallon.
Stella ran over to Fallon and Juniper. "So. Where are we even gonna
"Hmm. well, someone's gotta risk getting caught. i think it'd be
the one with the teleporting powers. she could teleport out. then
she could give the corrdates, and we could save the world."
"Oh yeah," Juniper said. "About that. It's actually
dematerialization. That's why I can only 'not exist' for a minute
or so before I kinda just... Poof... Anyway, how would I
know exactly what co-ords I was at? I don't have a GPS or
"I have one. It's at home, though." Stella said. "I'm guessing
everyone knows I have powers now, though. I've been away from home
for a while."
"I can camouflage and get it for you." Fallon offered.
"One of us will try to lure all the humanoids into one place. Then,
somebody else will sneak by the humanoids and do what they have to
do. and then somebody else will kill the humanoids."
"Alright. Who's fast and is up to be chased by humanoids? you have
to be fast so they all notice you at once, and they come after you.
Fallon, if you could, would you mind after somebody takes all the
humanoids away; sneak into the facility with your camofaluge and do
what you need to do? and i'll try to kill them with jupiter."