Forum Thread
My Private Diary -Ari
Forum-Index → Diaries → My Private Diary -Ari

Title: Warning
Sent: Sun, 27/04/2014 01:53
Dear AriTheVamp,
you received a warning from AutumnStar.
QuoteDouble posting - see rule 2:
You may not make two posts in a row (double-posting).
If you were the last one to post in your trade thread, please wait for either 2-3 days to post again, or for someone else to post so you aren't double posting - this allows all users more of a chance to have their shop seen.
All of your warnings can be viewed here.
Please remember to read and to follow our rules.
If you have any questions regarding this warning, feel free to answer to this PM.
- PokeHeroes Moderation