Forum Thread
Chuckle's Doodle Shop(OPEN)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Chuckle's Doodle Shop(OPEN)Price edit

You can re-upload freely as long as I am credited in some way (the title in a file/ a note in your about for an avatar/ etc)
Size editing /adding a background is fine but I don't want you to recolor anything I've made~
I don't have set prices! It is offers~
You can list multiple offers for one picture (Ex: "Either 100,000 pd or a shiny pichu" that I choose one of!)

What pokemon you want drawn: (Name/ refs if an oc mon/ etc)
Any specifics:
What you can offer:
Minimum 50,000 PD/50nuggets, Shiny/Event/Legendary Pokemon, Items
Look here to see which events I have!
Check out Sugarcube and Salem

What pokemon you want drawn: This boy! it's a crossover between a jolteon and cloud strife. His little boots are actualy Cloud's glove, he have an earing and he is always grumpy :'D
Any specifics: nop
Offer: would 70K pd be enough for him? qwq i can add more.
The price is fine and I can definitely manage the Cloud Jolteon~
I'll get started in just a sec!~

What pokemon you want drawn: This unnamed bab ♡
Any specifics: She is really rude and grumpy, sarcastic and salty, just a general butt
Offer: Star Piece [Valued at 50kPD- once you have 5 you can summon Jirachi] + 3 Dark Blue Keys [Valued about 8k-10k each- once you have a matching box, you can open it to get various items] + 1 Brown Box [Valued the same as the keys- use is the same, except it's a box]

[FlightRising] ☆ [Adopts] ☆ [Doodles] ☆ [Characters]
Could I adopt the Hoppip for 1 Light Rock [Used to summon Tornadus from the Safari Zone once unlocked] + 4 fossils [The ones used to summon Anorith, Omanyte, Aerodactyl and Cranidos respectively] + 20k PD + 1 Weather Balloon [Used to change Castform's forme, valued 15k-20k]?

[FlightRising] ☆ [Adopts] ☆ [Doodles] ☆ [Characters]
What pokemon ( shh it's not one :> ) you want drawn: This boy, it's picot, it's just a cube dog and his leg are just sticks lol. and his tail is basicaly a wood piece conected by a stud.
Any specifics: hmm don't think so
Offer:Would 50 nuggets+50K pd be ok? (in pd 50 nuggets is around 65-75 k pd ^^)
That's fine, and the nugget payment is fine by me~
(And the pokemon clarification is basically so I don't get "Here is a hyper realistic wolf plz do" or humans before I'm set up for it, so box dog is totally fine)

What pokemon you want drawn: [Zalthor]
Any specifics: Make him angry? :'D
Offer: 40k?
[i]"Shinah. It means
Username: FlowerFellFrisk.
What pokemon you want drawn: A Yungoos~
Any specifics: Could he have a bandanna covering this mouth, like in this picture? I'd love it if you could make the bandanna like that one's. The image in mind I was having was for his body coloring would be like it is in this thumbnail. His nose and the inside of his ears could stay pink, though. If you don't mind, could you also add headphones like so around his neck?
Offer: 40k?
Sorry if I'm asking too much, I wanted a new PokeOC. :'D

Can do!
I can do a similar bandanna, but I'd rather not make one just like it since it's from someone else's art, otherwise I can manage
Is it still ok?