Forum Thread
Warrior Cats RP for Tiger and I
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Warrior Cats RP for Tiger and I
Markings, patterns:
Markings, patterns:
Name: Redshadow / Nightpaw / Raggedfur / Marblestar
Age: 20 moons / 6 moons / 120 moons / 44 moons
Gender: Tom / she-cat / tom / tom
Fur: Red / black / white / marble-white
Eyes: Hazel / ice blue / golden-yellow / hazel
Markings, patterns: Red tabby with white chest, underbelly. White front toes and white socks on back legs / none / large black patches all over. Greying on muzzle and whiskers / none
Clan: MapleClan / MapleClan / MapleClan / MapleClan
Rank: Warrior (new) / Apprentice (new) / elder / leader
Personality: Funny, a bit crazy, but kind / rude, obnoxious, likes to have her way etc. / brazen, but kind and good-hearted / kind, just and benevolent
Other: Redshadow x Tigerpelt? All good if not. Marblestar is Redshadow's father. Mother is dead
Age: 19 moons
Gender: she cat
Fur: orange tabby with a tiger like pelt
Eyes: Amber
Markings, patterns: white chest and paws
Clan: mapleclan
Rank: warrior
Personality: kind, noble, a bit heard headed, and crazy
Other: has a crush on Redshadow

Age: 19 moons, 9 seasons (years for warrior terms)
Gender: female, female
Fur: calico, pure black
Eyes: Amber, gold
Markings, patterns: regular calico, none
Clan: MapleClan
Rank: medicine cat, elder
Personality: loyal, sharp tongued, kind, noble. Short, kind of rude, has a kind heart, and loyal
Other: Tigerpelt's sister, had given up the life of a warrior in favor for a kittypet when he was young, but soon gave that up when he was bored of being stuck in a twoleg den.
Redshadow woke up, rolling over, messing up his terribly-made bedding more than it was before. "Fox dung!" he hissed lowly.
Nightpaw was pacing around, stirring the other apprentices. She didn't care. She was ready to train, or explore the territory and hunt and fight.
Nightpaw bounded out of her den to almost crash into Raggedfur. "Idiot... uh, sorry I said."
Raggedfur growled. "Young kit, respect your elders. I ain't deaf yet."
"Yah, sorry." she peeked in the warrior's den to see Redshadow conversing with her mentor.