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Relatively new Programmers

Forum-Index General Discussion Relatively new Programmers
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sat, 28/05/2016 14:32 (8 Years ago)
Hi there!

I made this thread so newer programmers can chat about what they do.

What coding languages do you hate? Which ones do you love? What syntax do you think is absolutely absurd? Are you good at leaving comments, or get too busy with what you're coding that you forget? Do you have any tips?
The Combee Queen
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Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 17:18 (8 Years ago)
Well I would not call myself a newer programmer. I went to school for software almost 10 years ago (Christ that makes me feel old). I never ended up doing anything with the shiny piece of paper they gave me when I finished my classes. Its more of a hobby than anything. Aside from doing some freelance web design on the side and some freelance computer repair....which both have very little to do with software... I never touch the stuff. I am a software guy by hobby, not trade.

Which coding languages do you hate?
Not a lot of them honestly. The thing I hated can not truly be called a language after all. I remember the very first "programming" we ever had to do in class being with PYTHON. And I hated the thing. You literally could not program the darn thing wrong. Bad variable names, bad logic loops, it did not matter. the code still worked. It felt like cheating.

Which coding languages do you love?
Java. No not Java script. Java. I loved Java down to its core, since it was hands down the basics of everything and I could do literally anything I wanted to if I was willing to put in the time. I still have the first ever Program I ever wrote in Java on my desktop, both as a reminder to myself and for Nostalgia. A blackjack program that I got an A on despite messing up on majorly, I forgot to teach the program how to shuffle the deck, so after dealing 52 cards the whole thing broke. I remember saying a prayer as my instructor was grading it. Flinching as he started spamming the Deal button. He stopped at 47 cards. I have never finished or fixed this issue. Its a good memory for me.

Absurd Syntax
I think after my last two answers, my answer here should be pretty implied. If this were politics people that read this would be screaming that I was a republican. Since it is coding can we simply call me old school? No grandpa cracks please.

If your not good at leaving comments. GET GOOD AT LEAVING COMMENTS. For anyone that has to work with multiple people on the same project there is nothing worse than pulling up what your working on, seeing 1017 changes made since the last time you saw it, and not seeing a single note left by the person before you as to why they felt the need to completely remove or alter a logic loop you spent 3 days working on. It is even more frustrating when you do it to yourself, forget to note, and than wonder 3 days later what the heck you were thinking, que alchohol abuse. I am religious with leaving myself and others comments. Even on simple little things that at the time seem self explanatory.

Do not Reinvent the wheel.
What I mean by this is quite simple. If your working on coding a elaborate clock for...Christ i do not know, reasons. Do not write out code for counting seconds and minutes. That stuff exists out there and you will be wasting hours hashing out code that literally a million people have done already. The world of coders is a lot like the world of smokers. you need a cigarette, someone will loan you one, and if someone is in need, you provide. the smaller pieces of what your writing can and will be given to you by others if you ask. I AM NOT SAYING PLAGIARIZE! Do not copy and paste a program and call it yours. Ask the creator and than make the code your own by adding to it, modifying it, and using it as a small piece of something amazing that you yourself is working on. Christ the number of times Mr Shoemaker took points off my assignments for hand writing pieces of projects that I could have readily and easily had available to me was staggering and this exact same piece of advice is almost verbatim what he told me every time he did.