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Delphox's Diary

Forum-Index Diaries Delphox's Diary
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 17/04/2014 11:26 (10 Years ago)
Here I will post the events of my life for your enjoyment to read. Well,first event..
So yesterday was crazy. I couldn't write then, due to being on the bus. We got to wake up at 5:00 AM, and get to school at 6:00 AM. That, was crazy. Duh? Maybe. So at 6:30 AM we got on our bus. A Charter bus, and we were getting donations for a snack from Costco (No stealing intended there). Then we were off to the aquarium, where I pet stingrays, Horseshoe crabs, and other stuff. Like Bamboo sharks (They were sleeping). Then, we went to lunch where pretty much everyone got their food eaten by seagulls who kept pooping. Finally, off to the beach. We were loaded onto a fishing boat (A very big one, a prize winner too). Then we sailed off, learning about crab traps along the way. Next, we went to an island. This island had beautiful shells and we got to collect some to keep. I collected very few, but that didn't matter. I wanted beautiful ones. We learned about stuff on the island. Boring stuff, really. Finally, we sailed back to the Outer Banks, (Sorry I didn't mention that was the Outer Banks before). We finally loaded the bus, and drove back off to Raleigh. It was a trip I won't ever forget. Not to mention, I wasn't bothered by sassy people ^-^

Feel free to ever comment if you like one of my entries! All of my entries will be on this post.
Hullo, one who reads..
I love Braixens
even if my user is Delphox