"Howdy! I'm FLOWEY! FLOWEY the FLOWER! You Two Are New To The
Underground aren't ya,Well Let Me Teach You About Underground"
engages them in battle,Roro Gasps As Her Soul Appears."w-what the
s-sis whats going on.." starts trembling
"Out In The UnderGround Love Is Shared Throught Little white
"friendliness pellets" " Flowey Throw's The Pellets,One Hit's
Roro,"OW..it hurt..sis it hurts.." Roro's Hp Showed up Too 0/1 Oil
Drips From Roro's Mouth Abit.
she made her soul dodge the bullet's again and glared at the flower
slightly, a bit suspicious.
''keep dodging the pellet's sis.......'' ruby whispered to roro
quietly, making sure flowey didn't here her.
He Stop's,"You Know What's Going On Here Dont You?.You Just
Wanted...To See Me...SUFFER.....DIE" he make's the bullet's
Circling in toward's them,"Oh no sis what are we gonna do now?".
rose trembled and looked at the bullet's, her eye's wide.
''i-i don't know..'' she muttered, tear's swelling up in her
she looked at roro and then at her health, gritting her teeth as
she moved her soul in the way of the bullet's to keep them from
getting any closer to roro's soul.
ruby stared at the health bar on roro's side and blinked, then at
her's as she notice none of her health had budged.
a blast of magical fire form's and hit's flowey, sending him flying
away from them.
torial walked over and looked at them both worriedly.
''what a terrible creature, torturing such poor, innocent
youth's... ah, do not be afraid, my children, i am torial,
caretaker of the ruins, i pass through this place every day to see
if anyone has fallen down, you two are the first human's to come
here in a long time, come! i will guide you through the
catacomb's.'' she said.
she motioned for them to follow and started toward's the door.
''this way.'' she said.
ruby grabbed her sister's hand and hesitated a bit, then slowly
started to follow.
''s-she saved u-us..... w-w-we might a-as well t-trust her for
n-n-now..'' she mumbled, stammering horribly from the scare.
torial waited for them before she started walking again and went up
some stairs.
ruby blinked and looked at the star, lightly tapping it once she
was standing right beside roro in front of the star.
''star's can't be touched though.....'' she mumbled.
she blinked and put her hand against the save thing, mostly out of
''this might... help us stay alive.. y-you never know.......'' ruby