Forum Thread
diary of a prospitian
Forum-Index → Diaries → diary of a prospitian
Nicknames : Jake, El, Eli, Liz, Liza and Beth
Gender : gender neutral (she/he/they pronouns)
Blood Type : O+
Height : 5'3 (160.02 cm)
Birthday : 9th of November
Fandoms : Black Butler, Homestuck, Undertale, Hetalia, Your Lie in April, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson
Likes : Music, Books, Writing, Jake English, Grell's hair, Anime, Animals, Swimming and art
Dislikes : Vegetables, Waking up for school, Art block, Writer's block
Homestuck stuff : Sun sign = Scorpio, Moon sign = Libra, Patron troll = Eridan Ampora
AG: I'll 8e upd8ing every week or even a 8it more, so just w8 or something. And no, I'm not a Serket. Nor am I Vriska. I just loooooooove using her quirk! Oh, don't forget her colour.
AG: You'll 8e seeing the following things riiiiiiiight here:
» A 8etter description of me
› 8ecause I suck at explaining using short 8ios...
» Possi8ly some art?
› I try, okay?
» Lists
› Lists of awesome people, gr8 Pokémon, aesthetic stuff, etc.
» Dreams
› Find out a8out what happens if I try sleeping! Not that I don't sleep, hahahaha...
» Rants
› I'll try my 8est to keep it PG, like no cussing. I don't think that's allowed.
» Achievements
› 8ecause I rarely achieve anything at all, ugh. ::::\
» Rethorical questions
› No comment........
» Random stuff
› Eh
» Random chats, I guess.
› Hey, if it's a de88 where I say something smart, I'd o8viously want to share it.. So you guys have something to defend your point? 'Dunno. Also I guess I'll try to boost your moods with funny chats.
*de88 = debate
Hello, I'm Liz! You may call me Elizabeth, any nickname from Elizabeth or Jake. I prefer Jake, though.
Ahaha, I'm not using Jake's "quirk" because my autocorrect doesn't approve, and I'm using an android tablet so I can't really turn it off.
Anyhoo, I'm Homestuck trash. I cannot consider myself a Pokémon fan, but I can say that I love Pokémon. I'm also somewhat phan trash, undertale trash, miraculous ladybug trash, ohshc trash, kuroshitsuji trash (unlike claude) and hetalia trash, but not as much as before.
Don't roll your eyes at me when I say this, but I really like Taylor Swift's songs. Come on, they're quite catchy sometimes!
You can palpad me, but please don't start by saying "hi", because I get awkward when I see that word. Start by talking about homestuck, and you're officially on my awesome people list.
I like roleplaying, but I don't usually reply when I don't know what to do anymore. If you ever roleplay with me and I don't tell you why I'm not replying, please expect at least thirty sorrys from me.
Yes, I say sorry a lot.
I usually friend back, but it really depends on who you are... I'm so sorry.
I like animals. If you send me a cat picture I will give a short reply because hOLY FLIPPIN MACKARELS CATS ARE ADORABLE.
Hmm, should I do this homestuck style?
I will.
I'll be back~

base by Voidembodiment on deviantart
What will you do?
> Liz: Fix the rest of this forum
This isn't in order, but Dirk will always go first! Even though I might not talk to them, this list isn't actually specifically for friends, right? Haha, here it is!

• snapchienne
• Salai
• Seer_Of_Mind
• Jade-Harley
• Knight_of_Blood
• Prince_of_Rage
• Ambiebear69
• Salai
• Seer_Of_Mind
• Jade-Harley
• Knight_of_Blood
• Prince_of_Rage
• Ambiebear69

• Jake English (i
said dirk would go first but hey, i'm sort of a jake account so
• Dirk Strider
• Roxy Lalonde
• Jane Crocker
• John Egbert
• Rose Lalonde
• Dave Strider
• Jade Harley
• Karkat and Kankri Vantas
• Aradia and Damara Megido
• Tavros and Rufioh Nitram
• Sollux and Mituna Captor
• Nepeta and Meulin Leijon
• Kanaya and Porrim Maryam
• Terezi and Latula Pyrope
• Vriska and Aranea Serket (♏ hahaha!)
• Equius and Horuss Zahhak
• Gamzee and Kurloz Makara
• Eridan and Cronus Ampora
• Feferi and Meenah Peixes
• Wayward Vagabond
• Arima Kousei
• Kaori Miyazono
• aph Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark and Sweden
• aph Luxembourg
• aph Belarus
• aph Belgium
• aph Ukraine
• aph Seychelles
• aph Monaco
• aph Taiwan
• aph Vietnam
• aph Hungary
• Tamaki Suoh
• Hikaru Hitachiin
• Kaoru Hitachiin
• Grell Sutcliff
• Alois Trancy
• Freckles/Doll
• Dirk Strider
• Roxy Lalonde
• Jane Crocker
• John Egbert
• Rose Lalonde
• Dave Strider
• Jade Harley
• Karkat and Kankri Vantas
• Aradia and Damara Megido
• Tavros and Rufioh Nitram
• Sollux and Mituna Captor
• Nepeta and Meulin Leijon
• Kanaya and Porrim Maryam
• Terezi and Latula Pyrope
• Vriska and Aranea Serket (♏ hahaha!)
• Equius and Horuss Zahhak
• Gamzee and Kurloz Makara
• Eridan and Cronus Ampora
• Feferi and Meenah Peixes
• Wayward Vagabond
• Arima Kousei
• Kaori Miyazono
• aph Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark and Sweden
• aph Luxembourg
• aph Belarus
• aph Belgium
• aph Ukraine
• aph Seychelles
• aph Monaco
• aph Taiwan
• aph Vietnam
• aph Hungary
• Tamaki Suoh
• Hikaru Hitachiin
• Kaoru Hitachiin
• Grell Sutcliff
• Alois Trancy
• Freckles/Doll
Hello, I finally fixed everything! Whoop whoop!
Took me long enough, eheh...
So Dirk wrote in his diary about us switching characters, and when I first read it I told him that it would be impossible, and it really is. I, er, loose my "chill" quite often. Do I look (or sound) like I could impersonate Dirk perfectly? Nope!
Dirk insists that he isn't in character, but I don't believe so.
Golly, is this entry going to be about Dirk?
Ah, that reminds me... I promised to call.
I'll try to post tomorrow. Adios!
– Jake
So I'm making an mspfanadventure and I'm slowly getting a hang of it! It's cool, I guess.
Welp, time to test stuff. This is short, I know. Dirk and I are (kinda) talking so I don't want him to wait for too long because I'm not talking... Eheh...
– Jake
I made the first part, it sucks. Click on "mirror" to see it. Not the one in quotes though, lol.
I'm really nervous right now, I just auditioned for a homestuck fansong thing (it's called "How Far We've Come", I think it's made by Akiran? Like the parody, not the actual song.) and I have absolutely no idea why I wanted to do it? I don't even think my voice was close to most of Aradia's headcanon voices.
Ngahhh, I'll just sit here and try to doodle to forget.
Yep, doodle to forget.
I'm also planning on making a genderbent chat noir edit,,,
That's all for now.
Oh wait, I'm probably gonna bid on something here on pokeheroes.
– Jake
Oh dear, it seems as though I'm starting to get into Kuroshitsuji... I mean, it is a rather interesting anime, but I didn't expect to like it this much.
Dirk and I are talking again, and I have absolutely no idea what to talk about. Sigh.
I gotta go, goodbye for now!
– Jake
Welp, looks like school's soon.
Sighs bc moving to a new school is exhausting... Even though I haven't done this a lot.
I already miss my friends, ahaha.
Anyway, I'm still watching Kuroshitsuji. I'm currently watching episode nineteen.
Time to do stuff here, adios.
– Jake
Hey, it's been a while. Sorry for the inactivity.
Turns out I won a raffle yesterday, eureka!
I freaked out a lot awhile ago, and poor Dirk just listened.
But I'm really happy. Guess that white stag did bring happiness, ahaha.
That's all for now!
– Jake
You know what? The closer it gets to June 15, the more I feel like crying.
I dunno why. It always feels like my head hurts, and the actual headache disappears quickly, but it still leaves some sort of pain... I have no idea what kind of pain.
I don't like the feeling. It hurts...
June 15 is when school starts, so why should I be nervous?
I really want to talk about this with a friend... Or anyone. But I'm afraid I'll upset them or change the way they see me.
What makes me feel worse is the fact that I promised my friend I'd go to her play today, only to remember now and our car is still getting fixed...
I guess I should stop now. Sorry for bothering you with this. It's the only way I can let put my feelings without my family knowing, you know? Ha....
– Jake
I really really really like Grell's hair.
Like short and long hair and stuff. It's so beautiful.
Also all the character's eyes. Damn, they're beautiful.
*silently cries because i really want eyes and hair as perfect as the kuroshitsuji characters*
– Jake
I'll be changing my text colours depending on my mood. Just because Dirk's orange kinda hurts my eyes, and because Jake's green has gotten rather boring.
Now, here's the colours!
Oddly Confused
Concerningly Spazzy
So Done With Shiz
Awkwardly Happy/Random
It's been more than a month, oh my gog.
Well, to update you guys, I now have around 4 or 5 friends in my new school.
I still really miss everyone else.
Okay, enough about school. Pokeheroes is up next.
I haven't been on for a while, so there isn't much progress.
Except for the fact that I actually have more than 15,000 PD now.
So yeah, that's all. I'll be back next week!