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Forum Thread

Rate The Song!

Forum-Index Forum Games Rate The Song!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sun, 08/05/2016 02:26 (8 Years ago)
Ok, this thread is as simple as rating songs.
Since we aren't professional music raters, we can all go off taste and opinions.

BUT, let me lay down some rules here:

Rules for Ratings:
-Rate 1/10-10/10
-Give a reason why you like the song
-Give your reason why you don't like the song if rated bad
-Don't be offensive or rude. (even if it's an opinion)
-Make sure you actually listen to the song and don't skip through it. You never know what you might find here.
Also, it keeps users from spamming their songs.
-You can post again after two more people posted after you
-If the song breaks the rules in any way, please skip it and leave a message via PM for me to deal with it. And also report their post if they continue breaking the rules.

Rules for Music:
-Keep links used Youtube only.
-If song doesn't work in your country, simply ignore it and don't just give it a 0/10.
-If anything, nothing should be rated 0/10. At least find one reason why the song is a 1/10.
-Don't make music longer than 7 minutes.
-Don't make it completely foreign. It must be MAINLY english
-Don't pick a song with trucks full of curse words
-It's ok to play a "funny" "silly" song. (don't expect a good rating though lol)

Also, all PH rules apply, so don't let that slip by.

Any rule broken results in 1 strike. (X) Three strikes (XXX) you're out.

1 X: Warning
2 X: Privileges are stripped somewhat. Can only play music up to 5 minutes. And can not play "funny" nor "silly music".
3 X: No posting here at all or a mod will be contacted for rule breaking

Rule Breakers:
Show hidden content
None (let's keep it like this)


Ranklist? What's the use? Well, we can have average users come here to get their music rated.
After ten post here, i'll be keeping track of your average rating.
The top ten average ratings will be on the Ranklist.

If you get on the Ranklist by the end of the month, you will win a small prize each month you're on it.

Top 10 Ranklist Users:

So, of course, i'll start this off!
NF Vevo-I Just Wanna Know
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Wed, 26/07/2017 21:37 (7 Years ago)
Woah why didn't this explode yet

I rate that song 5/10

It's not my usual style of music, but I don't hate the song and am generally open to almost every song. This one is actually a song I can imagine listening to every now and then, but it will never get on my favorite list.

Tranquilizer - xhloe
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Wed, 26/07/2017 23:46 (7 Years ago)
I rate this song 4.5/10

I had a bit of difficulty understanding the lyrics to the song, and unfortunately I'm not a fan of this type of music.

Rick Springfield- Bop til you Drop

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Fri, 28/07/2017 04:22 (7 Years ago)

It's a fun song, and I sometimes found myself head bobbing to the music. It's really upbeat and really retro. Yet It became boring to me, when it got to the second half of the song... maybe because I lost interest? I don't really know.

But! Overall it's a cool retro song that gives you good vibes.

Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
It's better when you're listening with headphones on max volume :w:
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Sun, 30/07/2017 04:21 (7 Years ago)
[10/10] -- Honestly I loved Owl City's "Fireflies" and I've never heard of this song personally but I really liked it. Their vocals were nice and it got really really good towards the end with the extra instruments/faster tempo or whatever idk the climax?

I couldn't find anything wrong with it, like -- I even liked how the lyric video's "O" turned into a heart.

Okay so I guess it's my turn?
Touch It -- Ariana Grande [from her Dangerous Woman Tour]
The vocals don't start for about 20 seconds in and honestly not a lot happens until the climax but that and the outro's falsettos is what makes it my favorite song from the album.

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Sun, 30/07/2017 22:23 (7 Years ago)
8/10! Usually not a huge fan of Ariana Grande , but this song is really good! It really makes her voice and her talent come forth!

Steam Powered Giraffe - Oh No

Also , if you like this song , it's definitely worth checking them out. They have both serious songs ( Like this one ) and silly , lighthearted songs.